Marzia and Felix: Part One

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(Marzia's POV)
The night was very chilly here in Italy. No moon out tonight, just light clouds and sprinkles of stars.
I sit doing my stupid homework at my bedroom desk. I really hate Arithmetic... I mean, this I isn't very easy:
an = 28 + (n - 1)1.3
Stressed, I fling my pencil and homework on the carpet. I hold my knees against my chest in my chair, resting my head on them.
I glance out the window. Far north, light scatters across the horizon. I live in the most populated city of Italy - Rome. Our house, in whom I live with my mom, dad, and Maya the pug, is one of many in our neighborhood.
I twiddle my dark brown, hip-length hair over my shoulder, loosely braiding it. I get out of my seat and plop onto my bed. Turning on the television, I watch a show that is about art. It's an Italian guy painting a landscape, and he's pretty good.
"Ugh..." I say, wrapped tight in my blanket, Maya close to my side. I sit there for a while, until my mom calls me down for dinner.
(Felix's POV)
"That's it for today Bro's, BROFIST! Byeeehaaaaa!" I Brofist the screen, and stop recording. I sigh. I ex out of the game I was playing for the Bro's and click my editing icon on the desktop. I take the next few hours perfecting the video for my 600,000 subscribers. Uploading it, I sit back in my chair. I run my fingers through my hair, and remove my headphones.
I hear the door click open. Greta walks in, wearing her high heels and expensive clothing and holding at least five shopping bags. He hair is freshly dyed auburn and trimmed.
"Hey Babe, how was shopping?" I ask, as politely as possible.
"Fine." She says.
"Did you get me anything?" I ask, shutting down the computer.
"Um, no. If you want to get something, go get it yourself. I'm taking a nap. Make some dinner, okay?" She snaps, tossing the bags on the floor. She walks into the bedroom.
"Of course you didn't." I mumble. I stand up, and head to the kitchen. I decided to make up some spaghetti with a side of spinach. But, for myself. Because, as my "girlfriend" once said, "If you want something, then get it yourself."
(Marzia's POV)
"Marzia, scendere per la cena, per favore. [Marzia, come down for dinner, please.]" Mom shouted from downstairs.
"Sta arrivando! [Coming!]" I tell back, shutting off the TV. I move Maya, and sigh as I get up.
"Miele, perché non mangia la cena che ho fatto per te? [Honey, why aren't you eating the dinner I made for you?]" Father asks after a while of eating. I pick at my plate, and nibble on some asparagus.
"Che cosa? Oh, niente... solo stanco e solitario. [What? Oh, nothing just tired... And lonely.]" I reply.
"Oh cara, ti manca il tuo fratello? Capisco. [Oh dear, do you miss your brother? I understand.]" Mother asks.
"...Uh, sì. [Uh... Yes.]" I said, but that wasn't the truth.
The truth is, I wanted someone to love.

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