Marzia and Felix: Part Six

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(Felix's POV)
I... I can't wait to see Marzia. She will be so beautiful when I get to see her... So beautiful up close... In my arms... Kissing me...
Today, I'm just sitting around the apartment. I don't really want to be lazy all day, so I decide to drive to the café in town. I get in my car, and head to Lotus Café.
I sit at a table, and order a latté. It was a rainy, gloomy day. I was bored, so I texted Marzia.
Felix (4:12 PM): Hey Italy. How's the planning?
Marzia (4:20 PM): Hello, Sweden. Pretty good, just about ordered! :D
Felix (4:23 PM): That's good. I'm excited!
Marzia (4:24 PM): It's ordered! I'm going to Sweden, even if my parents like it or not. :)
Felix (4:27 PM): AWESOME! I have to go, bye! :)
Marzia (4:28 PM): Bye Felix!
Marzia is coming to Sweden! I can't wait... I really can't! I want her to come now, right now!
(Marzia's POV)
At around 7:00 PM, my parents and I say down for dinner. I was going to tell them that I am going to Sweden.
"Sono contento di rivederti felice, Marzia. Si mangia molto bene. [I'm glad to see you happy, Marzia. You're eating very well.]" Mom says, mouth full of salad.
"Sì, ma lei è molto tranquilla. Perche'? [Yes, but you are very quiet. Why?]" Dad adds.
"Beh... ho qualcosa da dirti. [Well... I have something to tell you guys.]" I say.
"Che cosa? [What?]" Mom asks.
I sigh.
"Beh, ho deciso di andare su un viaggio in Svezia, e già prenotato. Così, io vado. [Well, I decided to go visit Sweden, and I already booked it. So, I'm going.]" I say.
They stare at me, in shock, occasionally looking back at each other.
"Beh, Marzia, sei 18, quindi credo che tu sei ad alta voce a fare qualsiasi cosa che desideri. Quando andrai? [Well, Marzia, you are 18, so i guess you are aloud to do anything you wish. when are you going?]" Father says.
"La settimana prossima. [Next week.]" I reply.
A pause breaks.
"... Oh... Va bene. Può andare, basta per favore, essere sicuro. [... Oh... Alright. You may go, just please, be safe.]" Mother says.
"Oh Mamma! Papà! Grazie molte! Sono così eccitata! [Oh mom! dad! thank you so much! i am so excited!]" I scream.
I jump up and down, and run upstairs. Mom and dad smile, but must have felt nervous.
I know for sure, that I get to meet Pewdiepie. I am going to die of excitement!

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