Marzia and Felix: Part Ten

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(Felix's POV)
"So, do you want to got to the Lotus Café for lunch?" I ask, helping Marzia through the apartment door.
"Sure. Wow, you have such a nice apartment." Marzia says, placing her bags next to the door.
"Thanks." I say. I move the couch cushions and role out the bed inside the couch. Marzia starts to unpack, and unloads her sheets.
She is so pretty, loose strands of hair falling in her face, her sweet smile, her simple clothing. I feel like just walking up to her, holding her hips, and kissing her softly.
But I can't.
Not yet.
"Thank you so much for letting me stay here. I'm so dumb not getting a room in a hotel." She says.
"Oh, you're welcome," I say. "But, you're not dumb. You are very intelligent."
She looks up at me, with her calming eyes looking at mine. The sweet look goes away, and turns into a grin.
"Oh... Thank you." Her cheeks flush pink, and she tucks her hair behind her petite ear.
"Uh, welcome. So... Uh... Let's go eat." I say, lightly placing my finger tips on her back. She looks at them, and blushes more.
"Yeah, let's go."
When we got there, I ordered a sandwich, soup, and a latté. She got a bagel with strawberry cream cheese, and a Carmel mocha. For a long time, we went to many places. We visited many cultural artifacts, statues, and buildings. We even FaceTimed Ken. We took so many photos, each one prettier than the last. We pranced called the Smosh Bros and Minx. Even Cry (Cry was pretty pissed off). I bought a Cronut for Marzia. For dinner, we had Swedish meatballs. We finally got back at around 8:00 PM. It was already dark out.
"Hey, you want to be on YouTube?" I say, smiling. She smiles, and nods.
"Alright, follow me." I lead her to my mini room, and set up a little area for her to sit. We sit, and I turn on everything.
Her face is full of fascination.
"Are you ready?" I say.
"Yes!" She yells.
I click the record button.
"Hey Bro's it's Peeewwwdiepie! Today, I have my very dear friend, Marzia. She came all the way from Italy just to see me. She is the best friend in the world." I say. Marzia is very nervous, and trying to smile.
"Hi..." She almost mumbles.
"So, today, we are going to do challenges! Ready Marzia?"
"Ready." She says, flourished pink.
We went through many challenges, laughing and making a mess the while time. She had a gorgeous smile on her face, even with flour on her face or Kool-Aid concentrate in her mouth.
"Go!" I yell, laughing.
"Z-X-Y... Um... Oh god... Um... Oh! I got it now! W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A! Haha, I remember it from Middle School!" She chuckled so hard that she snorted.
I laugh hard enough to lose my breath.
She gets close to my face.
"Haha! In your face!" She yells. I laugh, but when she looks into my eyes, I stop.
She stops smiling too.
It feels like the universe is empty, and we are the only beings.
Her carmel-brown eyes gaze into mine. Her hand softly touches my cheek. I breathe in her air.
Her eyes close.
Her lips turn soft.
My lips connect with hers.
I squeeze her hips, and her elbows rest on my shoulders. She sits on my lap.
She grins, but I keep pushing my lips against hers. She continues to kiss me.
After a while, she rest her chin on my shoulder, smelling my scent. I keep my arms tight around her, kissing her neck.
I look at my screen. The "record" sign flashes.
Marzia and I blankly stare at the screen.
"Um... I guess Marzia wins. I have to go Bros, so BROFIST! Byeeeehaaaaa!" I I quickly BROFIST the screen.
I click stop recording.
Marzia looks at me, resting on my lap. Inches away, I smile, and she does too. I quickly pushes my lips to hers, standing up. Her arms and legs wrap around my body, so I am holding her in the air. I lightly push her against the wall.
I pull away, and look at her above me. She smiles, strands of hair covering her eyes. She beams, and kisses my forehead.
"I love you Marzia."
"I love you even more." She says. She laughs, her teeth glowing. I kiss her on the lips. Her lipstick taste like fruit.
Later, wrapped in a blanket, we sit on my bed, snuggling and holding out pugs. After a while, we fell asleep, holding each other close.
This is all I ever wanted.
I am in love with you Marzia Bisognin.
(Marzia's POV)
I finally get to be with Felix.
This is all I ever wanted.
I am in love with you Felix Kjellberg.

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