Marzia and Felix: Part Five

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(Marzia's POV)
That evening, while the sun was going down, I decided I was ready to Skype Felix.
Grabbing my laptop, I pass my mirror.
"Oh! I need to look good for Felix!" I was wearing an ugly tank-top, work out pants, and my hair wasn't combed. So, I pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans and cut the legs so they are high shorts. I grab a junk shirt from a ball game, and cut it to reveal my belly button.
I run to the bathroom and grab my curlers. I carefully curl my locks, and softly brush them out so it's loosely curled. Then, I grab my flower crown I made and lightly put it on my head.
I put some mascara and eyeliner on, with a salmon lipstick, and golden eyeshadow.
I'm ready.
I'm ready to meet the boy of my dreams.
(Felix's POV)
I got a text from Marzia saying she was ready to Skype soon.
I looked like shit. My hair was flopped over my face, I was in my underwear and a shirt with holes in it.
I quickly find a nice button-up, light blue shirt, khaki shorts, and my headphones around my neck.
I sprint the bathroom, and squirt hair gel in my hands. Then, I run my fingers through my hair, making a nice, simple look.
I'm ready.
I'm ready to meet the girl of my dreams.
(Marzia's POV)
Logging into Skype, I stare at the call icon.
What if this really isn't Felix? What if... It's a crazy old guy? Well, if it is, in going to hang up right away.
I sigh, and click the call icon.
The loading screen pops up.
Before I know it, a gorgeous, amazing boy shows up, holding his little black pug named Edgar.
I hold onto Maya.
"Hi, Marzia." He says, a wide grin on his face.
"Hello Felix." I wave with Maya's paw.
He laughs.
"Wow, I'm so glad it's actually you, not some fat guy." He says awkwardly.
"Yeah... I'm happy I finally get to see you." I say, blushing.
"Wow... You're pretty - I mean, pretty nice! Yeah, yeah, yeah..." His cheeks flush red.
I giggle.
"Thank you... You are too." I say, Maya snuggling close.
There was a long pause.
"I can't believe I'm Skyping with the most famous Youtuber in the world!" I spit out, because the silence was too much.
"Haha, thanks." He rubs the back of his neck.
"Yeah..." The silence breaks again.
"I wish you were here with me. So we can talk face to face, you know." He spurts up.
"Yeah. Maybe I can come to Sweden." I blurt. I blush and cover my mouth. His eyes widen.
"Yeah, that would be great!" He smiles.
He nods.
"Well... I think I have enough to come to Sweden. Hold on, let me check my bank account." I say, opening a new tab and log into my account.
I wait a moment.
"Yeah... I have way over enough. I... Will come next week to see you." I say, super nervous.
"Great! I am so excited to see you Marzia. I will let you book your flight now, so I will see you later." Felix says, bubbly and smiling.
"Okay! Bye, Felix!" I say, waving. I hang up, and smile.
I jump on my bed and laugh and smile.
"I get to meet Pewdiepie!" I scream, laughing and hopping.
"I love you Felix, I love you!" I yell.

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