Marzia and Felix: Part Fourteen

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(Felix's POV)
I start up my car right after Ken left. Edgar just plops on the passenger seat. I crank up the heat, because it is only 30 degrees.
I booked a flight to Italy, and I am going in three days.
I chose the quickest flight to Italy.
I drove down to the café to have another latté.
Once I arrived, I had to leave Edgar in the car. I left the windows cracked, and wrapped him in blankets.
I take a seat at a table.
"Hi Felix. What can I get you today?" Agnes, my friend/waitress, asks.
"Um, the usual."
"Okay! Carmel latté, with a veggie chicken sandwich with lightly toasted bun?" She says, writing down the order.
"Yeah, please."
"Thanks." I say, and she walks away.
I glance over at the empty seat in front of me.
Marzia's seat.
I imagine Marzia, smiling at me, as I tell her about Sweden or my day.
Her hair pulled back loosely in a bun with her flower crown, cute sweaters and skirts.
Her smile would always glow.
She would order a bagel with strawberry cream cheese and a Carmel mocha.
We love Carmel.
I remember the warmth of her lips, the fruity taste of her lipstick. Her soft skin, her wild hair.
Her scent of cinnamon.
"Felix?" Agnes says, tapping my shoulder.
"Oh, uh, sorry."
"It's fine. Here you go!" She sets down the sandwich and latté.
"Thank you, Agnes." I say.
"You're welcome. Tell me if you need anything."
I nod. She grins, and walks off.
I sip my latté.
I miss her, so much.
(Marzia's POV)
"Mamma? Papà? Io sono casa! [Mom? Dad? I'm home!]" I yell, opening the door.
"Marzia? Che cosa stai facendo casa così presto? [Marzia? What are you doing home so early?]" Mother calls from the kitchen.
"Nostalgia di casa, questo è tutto. Dov'è papà? [Homesick, that's all. Where is dad?]" I ask.
"Dormendo. [Sleeping.]"
"Oh, va bene. Bene, im andando a schiacciare un pisolino. [Oh, okay. Well, I'm going to take a nap.]" I say, dragging my stuff upstairs.
"Va bene, tesoro. Festeggeremo quando ti svegli. [Okay, honey. We will celebrate when you wake up.]"
I shut my door, and get Maya out of her bag. I lay in my bed with Maya. I cry silently in my bed, tears soaking into my pillow.
I check my phone, and see many text.
Felix (6:12 PM): Marzia! Please come back. I miss you!
Felix (6:16 PM): I'm so sorry! Please, I don't love Greta! I broke up with her before I Skyped with you. She just wanted me back!
Felix (6:20 PM): Hello?
Felix (6:39 PM): Marzia! I love you! Please! Respond to me!
This must have been during my flight home.
I just couldn't respond to him. I don't know if he is telling the truth... About anything! I'm just so terrified.
I have never dated anyone in my whole life, and this is the worst first boyfriend. I really don't want to be in the dating scene for a while.
He broke my heart.
And I can't piece it back together anymore.
I thought I loved you Felix.
Maybe I still do.
But, I just can't be involved with you anymore.
I hope you're happy with Greta, or whom ever.
I'm not a "bro" anymore.

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