Marzia and Felix: Part Eight

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(Marzia's POV)
The airport was extremely packed. I was shoved and pushed, and an American boy touched my bottom. I walk up to the desk, where a lady with a tight bun stands.
"Hello, ma'am." I say.
"Good morning. How can I help you?" The woman says, with an Italian accent.
"Uh, I have a flight to Sweden." I say, handing the woman my passport and ticket.
She reads them over, and nods.
"Okay ma'am, go down the hall, and take a right. There will be there area where you will wait." She states.
I smile, and head towards the waiting area.
I bought some apples and peanut butter for a snack, and waited for the past hour. I took a few selfies, texted Felix, talked to mom and dad, and played on my laptop.
"Boarding Sweden." The man said. I waited in line, and he double checked my passport. I walk down a large hall, and finally boarded the plane.
I found my seat, and packed my items above my seat.
I huff when I finally take my seat. I stare out the window. It's starting to down pour, the sky dark gray. I can hear the rain pound on the plane.
It's almost relaxing.
I close my eyes, holding Maya in her bag, and I fall into a deep sleep.
When I wake up again, we are soaring in the sky, above the dark clouds. My ears pop and Maya whines.
"Oh Maya, you're okay." I squeeze Maya tight, and she cuddles under my neck.
"Make it for Felix." I say in her ear.
(Felix's POV)
In the bathroom, I stare at myself.
"Okay Felix. It's just a few hours away from meeting Marzia at the Ljungsbro Fountain. You can't back out of this. You can't. Do it for her. Do it for Marzia."
I sigh, and Edgar waddles in the bathroom.
"What Edgar?" I say, shaky.
Edgar barks.
"Bathroom? Fine. Come on." I put Edgar on his leash and walk him into the hall, and downstairs. As I am about to reach the stairs, my neighbor opens the door.
"Hej, Felix! [Hello, Felix!]" Martha says cheerfully. This girl had the biggest crush on me, always flirting with me as I pass by. Ugh...
"Hej Martha." I say, trying to avoid her.
"Hur mår du? Jag har inte sett dig på ett tag. Hur är Greta? [How are you? I haven't seen you in a while. How's Greta?]" She says, following me and touch my shoulder.
"Jag mår bra. Jag bröt med Greta. lyssna, jag behöver gå ta Edgar till badrummet. [I'm fine. I broke up with Greta. Listen, I have to go take Edgar to the bathroom.]" I pull Edgar to the stairs.
"Vänta! [Wait!]" She snags onto my arm.
"Vad?! [What?!]" I almost yell.
"Tja, eftersom du bröt med Greta, jag undrar om du skulle... Vilja dejta mig? [Well, since you broke up with Greta, I wonder... If you would date me?]" She asks quietly.
I sigh.
"Martha, im ledsen, men nr jag har mina förhoppningar på någon annan. [Martha, I'm sorry, but no. I have my hopes set on someone else.]" I reply.
She nods, and tears form in her eyes. She runs back inside her apartment. Before she closes her door, I see hundreds of photos of me on the wall above her bed.
"Creepy..." I mumble. Edgar and I walk down to the doggy yard.
Just two hours away until Marzia arrives.
I'm nervous... But also very elated.

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