Marzia and Felix: Part Fifteen

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(Felix's POV)
It's 12:00 AM.
I'm still just lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling.
I can't get her out of my head.
It's just a few hours until I get in my flight.
Flashes of her kissing me, getting angry with me, and saying she loves me runs throughout my brain.
I got a migraine.
Don't worry Felix, you will get on the plane in 3 hours. Then, you will arrive at her house, and apologize.
She will love you still, Felix.
In anger and frustration, I grab my hair and yank at it. Edgar licks my foot.
I walk to the bathroom, and take some Advil.
I fell asleep shortly, my tense muscles relaxing.
I wake up to a straining, beeping noise. I jump up, alarmed. My clock screams 2:00 AM. The sky is still dark out.
I speed around the house to find my luggage. I get Edgar in his travel pack, and speed to the airport.
Surprisingly, there is a lot of people at the airport now.
I take a seat, ready with my passport and ticket.
After a few stupid, boring, anxious hours, I board into the plane.
A few more hours to go.
I'm coming, Marzia.
I'm coming.
(Marzia's POV)
"Marzia? Ci sei? [Marzia? Are you in there?]" Mother calls through the door.
I lay crunched up in my bed, depressed and tired. Maya is trying to make me happy, but it isn't working.
Is this really what a broken heart feels like?
I hold my teddy bear close to my chest, inhaling its musty scent.
"Mamma... Sto bene. Per favore - Lasciami in pace. [Mom... I'm fine. Please - Just leave me alone.]" I groan.
"Ahh. Questo è il caso del cuore spezzato che ti senti. Chi l'ha rotto, mia cara? [Ahh. This is the case of the broken heart you're feeling. Who broke it, my dear?]" She asks.
"Mamma. Sto bene. Solo passando attraverso una fase, credo che. [Mom. I'm fine. Just a stage, I guess.]"
She pause.
"Va bene. Non mi dire. Uscire a cena presto. [Fine. Don't tell me. Come down for dinner soon.] She says. I hear her footsteps as she walks away.
I cringe, and cry into my teddy bear's chest.
"Why does this have to happen to me? I never wanted this... I just wanted to love and be happy with Felix!" I mumble under my cry.
I wanted this to end.
I reaked sorrow and pain.
I felt like I was on the edge of a cliff, and feeling the verge of death.
(Felix's POV)
"Felix. Wake up Felix." A calm, soothing voice whispers.
I slowly get up from my bed. Strangely, I find myself in my apartment.
"Felix, good morning."
She lays to my side, her tan skin glowing, wearing her flower crown.
"Marzia...?" I mumble.
She nods.
She brushes her finger tips on my cheek, and running it through my hair.
"Marzia... I'm sorry. I love you."
She ignores me, and continues to caress me. I reach across and hug her, and she rest her head on my shoulder.
"You are inside me, you are around me. I only see you wherever I go, because there is nothing in our universe of love except for you and me." She whispers softly in my ear.
I kiss her neck.
"Marzia, do you love me?"
There is a long pause.
"Sir, wake up. Sir?" She says, kind of loud.
"Sir, you need to wake up."
Then in a flash, I get pulled away from her, and warped back into reality.
I still sit in the plane, soaring above the cloud.
"Huh... What?" I mumble. A lady stands above me.
"Sir, you are kicking the back of their seat." She says.
"Oh... God. I-I'm sorry." I say.
The woman smiles.
"It's fine." The people in front of me say.
The woman walks down the aisle.
I sigh.
I'm almost there, Marzia.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
I run what she said through my head.
"You are inside me, you are around me. I only see you wherever I go, because there is nothing in our universe of love except for you and me."
Universe of love.
Did our universe separate?
Or is it still hanging in with one string?
I can't let that string break.
(Marzia's POV)
I decided not to eat dinner.
I am too miserable to even get in my feet.
My face is numb from all of the tears.
Mom brought up some fried peppers, but I only nibbled at them.
Do I still need Felix to be happy again?
Was Felix my satisfactory?
Did he complete me?
I don't know, but I push it from my head.

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