I knew something
Was wrong
From the start.The saviour?
FoundThe wrong person.
The way they
As if I was
A princess.I knew
They got
The wrong person.
What was I to do?
They would
Throw me back
Down that hole
If they knew.So I acted,
Thanking them,
Acting like
Their princess
Their one and only.Two months later
"Wait. You weren't
The one I was
Looking for.Who are you?"
I took a deep
"I am Self-Esteem.
Who are you?"
They smiledAnd said
"Some call me
But today
I am your
Executioner."They threw
Me in a bag.
Went back
To the darkForest from
Before.Kicked me
Down a hole.
Into complete
Darkness.Their final words?
"You were close. But you were simply
Not good enough."
***Side Note*** I used the pronouns "they, their, them" in this poem. I'm using it for gender-neutral purposes. Love is one person, not several.
~ Poetry ~
PoésieJust a few poems. I'll write as much as possible. Some sad, some thoughtful. Okay mostly sad. Fun fact: Monster's Cage and Saviour were written for class.