Chapter Thirteen (Edited)

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(Vincenzo's POV)

"Dahlia, let me know when my next appointment gets here." I told my secretary as I walked to my office.

"Yes, Sir."

I own a series of casinos, club, bars, and resorts throughout all of the United States and some of Italy. It is a legitimate business and it is how I cover up my underworld business, so to speak.
My main office is in the city and is one of the biggest buildings.

"Mr. Bianchi, there is someone here who'd like to speak with you." Dahlia said over the intercom system ten minutes later.

"Who is it? My next appointment isn't until 1:15."

"It's the FBI, Sir."

"Send them in."

I leaned back in my chair and waited. Few seconds later the door opened and two men walked in.

"Mr. Bianchi, I am Special Agent Wright and this is Agent Adams."

"And to what did I do to deserve a visit like this?"

"You walked out of prison five years early."

"I don't see why that's any of the FBI's business."

"We are just curious as to how you managed to do it."

"Luck and good behavior, I guess."


I nodded.

"I don't believe in luck, Mr. Bianchi. And we both know that you don't know meaning of good behavior. I know how you really got out." Agent Wright said.

"Is that so?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yes, it is."

"And how did I get out?"

"You have connections and you made threats."

"Threats to who? Connections with who?"

"I don't know but I'm going to find out. You see, Mr. Bianchi, I know who you really are. I know about your true business. I'm going to start digging and I'm not going to stop until I have what I need to put you behind bars for life."

"You think, you know who I am." I corrected him.

He shook his head. "I know who and what you are, I just don't have the hard evidence to prove it....yet."

"I am just a simple business man."

"That's bullshit and you know it. I'm going to dig into every corner of your life, personal and professional, and I'm not going to stop until I have what I need to lock your ass up for life."

"You play chess, Agent Wright?"


"Well if you dig into my life then I'll dig into yours. You don't want to start this game with me. You won't win."

"Is that threat?"

"No, it's a promise." I said standing up. "Now, if you'll see yourselves out, I have a meeting to get to."

Both agents walked to the door but before they left Agent Wright turned back around.

"I'll be seeing you, Bianchi."

"You better hope I don't see you first."

When I was sure that they had left, I called Giovanni.

"Yes, Boss?"

"Ci sarà un incontro stasera. La mia casa alle otto. Dillo a tutti."
(There will be a meeting tonight. My house at eight. Tell everyone.)

The Devil's Angel (Angels of the Underworld: Book One) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now