Chapter Twenty-Two (Edited)

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My head was pounding. It wouldn't stop. I slowly peeled my eyes open and looked around.

I was in a cell-like room. It has a dirty mattress on the floor and a bucket in the corner.

I wasn't laying on the mattress. No, I was tied to a chair. I tried to get free but my hands and feet were bound to tight.

"I was beginning to wonder if you were going to wake up." A familiar voice said.

When I saw who it was I couldn't believe it. I then looked around frantically for Adrianna but didn't see her.

"Don't worry about her. She's.....alright." He said unlocking the door and stepping inside.

I remained silent. I wanted to ask him so many questions but I couldn't. I just couldn't bring myself to ask. He approached me and slowly brushed his fingers across my cheek making me flinch.

"I'm happy to answer any questions you have." He said with a smile.

I glared at him.

"Nothing to ask?" He asked. "Alright. How about if I tell you a story then?"

He grabbed another chair from outside the cell and sat it in front of me.

"I want to start out by asking you a question. Have you ever heard of the name Kostas?"

I nodded.

I'd overhead Vince talking about them several times. Vince may be King and he may be the biggest and baddest Don but that doesn't mean that there aren't others out there rising to power. Kostas is the name of a very powerful and very wealthy Russian family.

"Years ago, Ivan Kostas met a woman and her name was Sasha. They fell in love in an instant but it was forbidden. Why? Because Ivan was already married. He couldn't leave his wife and their baby boy. If he did then he wouldn't get his father's seat.

He saw Sasha in secret for four years before he called it off. He couldn't do it anymore. He gave Sasha a decent amount of money and set her up in a nice house in a nice neighborhood. The word got out about their affair a year later when Ivan took over for his father. His father and his uncles ordered for her to be found and killed.

Ivan tried to get to her and get her to safety but he was too late. He arrived at the house only to find her beaten, raped, and murdered. He was a mess. The ones who killed her took everything from her house and disposed of it. They erased her from everything. She ceased to exist."

I was confused as to why he was telling me the story. I didn't care.

"Ivan went crazy. He destroyed everything and everyone. He needed to do something to numb the pain and alcohol wouldn't do it. He killed some of the smaller families that resided in Russia, as well as some of the Italian and Mexican ones. He took their money, power, and land."

I desperately wanted to ask him a question and he knew it. He let out an annoyed sigh as he stood and walked behind me. He untied my hands and moved them in front of my before tying them back again. He didn't know sign language so he retrieved a small notepad and a pen.

What does this have to do with me? What does this have to do with you? I wrote on the notepad.

"My family was one of the ones that Ivan destroyed. He killed my mother, my father, and my siblings in front of me. I'm alive but only because I ran away."

What does this have to do with me?

"That's the best part, Dearie." He smirked. "You see, Sasha wasn't stupid. She knew that sooner or later she'd pay for having an affair with Ivan so she had a plan."

A plan to what?

"She was pregnant when Ivan ended things and moved her away but he didn't know that. When she found out that they were coming for her, she dropped the baby off on the steps of a loving couple."

I seemed to have lost the ability to breathe at that moment.

No. I wrote as I shook my head.

He gave me a sick twisted smirk. "Your real name is Juliet Kostas and you are Ivan's long-lost daughter."

(Vincenzo's POV)

I paced. I couldn't help it. I paced across the floor of the warehouse with my gun in my hand.

Most of my men were there but I was waiting for two specific people.

It was a few long hours later when I heard the sound of at least a hundred motorcycles pull up. Seconds later, the door opened and he walked in with his men behind him.

"Sorry, we are late. Traffic was a f*ckin' bitch." He said in his deep voice and southern drawl accent.

He hadn't changed a bit since I'd last seen him. Jeans, black biker boots, a white t-shirt, and his black leather cut. Dirty blonde hair, steel blue eyes, and skin covered in tattoos just like mine. He was a big dude back then but seemed even bigger now.

"Nice to see you again, Vince."

"Knox," I nodded at him. "You haven't changed a g**damn bit."

He chuckled. "So are we the last ones to arrive or we waitin' on someone else?"

"Waiting but we can get started." I said just as the door opened again.

The whole room went quiet and a lot of people stared in shock.

"Well damn, he did f*ckin' answer your call." Knox said crossing his arms and leaning against the nearest wall.

"Glad you picked my call." I said not taking my eyes off the man in front of me.

"As you said, I owe you a g**damn lot."

"Don't we all." Knox muttered.


Hello! So what do you all think?

Who do you think has Juliet and what does he want with her? Who is the man that owes Vince a lot and why? How does he tie in with Knox?

So many questions!!
Give me your thoughts!!

Also, I'm just letting you all know that I love Knox (but not as much as I love Vincenzo!). He's a badmouthed, badass, and bad attitude biker. I'm thinking about maybe writing his story after the Mate of a Myth.

Let know if that's something you'd read!!

Don't forget to vote and comment!!

-Anon 🤭😊🙃

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