You Broke My Light

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"What did I do wrong?"

She asked confused.

"Are you seriously asking?"

Tai stated angrily and annoyed.

"You kidnap Agumon"

"He made that choice on his own. I did nothing wrong, he wanted this"

"No you manipulated him since the begining"

Gatomon said. BG tilt her head to the side.

"Begining? In the begining it was never my intention to fall in love but I fell in love with him, no one ever looked at me like he does, no one ever talk sweet words to me like he does. If he leaves me then i'll be all alone again"

She said sadly.

"But what about your companions behind you?"

Tai asked. BG shook her head.

"They're not real. They were just an illusion I created in my mind"

To prove her point she turn to all of them and waved her hand and the others dissolve into dust and gone with the wind.

"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone"

BG smiled sadly as she turn to look towards the others.

"That's why I can't let Agumon go"


"Save your breathe because nothing you say can change my mind just like you can't change the past"

"BG think about it, would Kathy want to see you doing this?"

Gatomon said sternly and carefully. BG eyes open wide and glared at Gatomon.

"How dare you speak to me about her. You have no right, you hear me, no right."

"Well would she?"

Gatomon challenge trying to see how far she can go to break some sense into BG.

"Of course not!"

BG yelled angrily as her body shake because of her anger and sadness. She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe opening them to see her eyes glossy with tears threatening to fall.

"This was a mistake. All of this was a mistake"

"What do you mean?"

Kari asked confused.

"I was never meant to be a virus. I'm not like all the other viruses. I never told anyone the truth except for Agumon, yet he still accepted fully. I was a Salamon when Myotismon killed Kathy in front of me. I should have died with Kathy but Myotismon kept me alive because he saw potential in me"

She as tears began to trail down her face.

"Years went by and I finally was able to digivolve into Gatomon, I was so alone but when another Salamon came along I thought we could connect and she could be my light so I helped her when Myotismon kept her as a pet as well. I knew she was never meant to be there so I tried to help her escape but she ratted me out. Myotismon kept me in the dungeon for so long. I never saw the light of day. He fed me but he fed me blood and that's how I was able to survive but the blood was contaminated with viruses but I had no other choice..."

"That's how you were able to become BlackGatomon"

Gatomon finished sadly. BG nodded.

"I've been alone for a long time and I am never going back to the darkness"

She said determinedly as she wipe her tears angrily. Dark Agumon let out another growl.

"But we can help you. You won't have to be alone anymore"

Tai said sincerely. BG shook her head.

"No, you can't. You didn't trust me in your own damn home, so what makes you think I could trust you guys"

"BG that was my fault"

Gatomon said.

"I was the one who didn't want you at the apartment because....because I love Agumon but I saw the way you both really connected I just want that with him"

"That is a very selfish thing to say"

"What about you? You're selfish as well"

"How so?"

"Because you don't want to be alone and you are just keeping Agumon with you for you won't be alone."

"No I honestly love him."

"No you don't"

"Oh so what now you know me?"

"You don't know what love is BG"

BG growled at Gatomon.

"No you just don't understand me, now leave before I have Agumon make you leave"

"We are not leaving"

Kari said standing their ground.

"Have it your way then"

BG said as she snap her finger. Dark Agumon let out a growl.

"Dark Agumon digivolve to.......Dark WarGreymon!"

Dark WarGreymon let out a roar as he stood in front of Tai, Kari, Amanda and Gatomon. BG smirk as she hopped on her boyfriend's shoulder.

"Last chance leave us"

BG said looking down at them. Kari then looked to Gatomon.

"Are you ready?"

"Let's go. Gatomon digivolve to.......Angewomon"

BG grinned as she saw Angewomon.

"You know if Kathy was still alive I would have digivolve to but I take what I can get"

Tai then looked to Amanda as an idea came to mind.

"Hey I'm going to be right back"

"What? Where are you going?"

"I know someone who could help, he's been in BG's position before"

"Okay and what should I do?"

"Keep her distracted, keep her talking"

"Okay just please hurry"

Tai smiled and nodded as he gave her a quick kiss on the lips before running off. Amanda looked towards the fight and saw Angewomon got knocked down to th ground as Dark WarGreymon let out a growl of victory. BG laughs.

"Now who's next?"

BG stated to Kari and Amanda. Amanda took a step forward, Kari looked to Amanda in shock.

"No Amanda stay back, its too dangerous"

Amanda smiled at her in reassurances. She looked up to BG.

"I don't want to fight. I just want to talk"

BG smirk.

"Fine. We'll talk. So I see you have no partner, so what are you doing here in the digital world"

"You told us your story, so now I want to tell you mine"

BG narrowed her eyes.

"I'm listening"

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Gatomon X Agumon X BlackGatomonWhere stories live. Discover now