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"Agumon, please open your eyes. Don't let the virus take control because their are others around you that still need you....I still need you."

Gatomon said sincerely as she looked into Agumon bright red eyes as he continued to growl and snap his teeth at her.

/Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed/

"I should have told you from the begining of how I felt about you. Ever since I met you, you always captured my attention. You were strong, funny, brave and I think the thing that caught my attention the most is that you never gave up"

She said with a slight smile as she felt her cheeks starting to burn from her shyness and flatten down her ears.

/Some say love, it is a hunger
An endless, aching need
I say love, it is a flower
And you, its only seed/

"Agumon, what I'm trying to say is that I love you. Oh how I love you for so long and you have no idea that I feel so relief that I finally said it. I love you with every ounce of data that I have in my body"

Dark Agumon let out a shout. Gatomon took a step back in surprise. She then slightly smiled and lift up her ears.

/It's the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance/

"Agumon can you hear me? I love you, please come back to us and I promise that I would treat you like a king. I would give you everything and I will do everything that I can to be in your arms"

Dark Agumon then out another yell as he shook his head and grab hold of it as he fell to his knees. He was panting, sweating and continued to scream.

/It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying
That never learns to live/

"You have to fight it. It will be over soon, I promise and I will take care of you"

Gatomon continued to say as she stared at Agumon and gasp in surprise as she saw his color change back to normal.


Tai said as he quickly walked up to Agumon once he stopped yelling and fell limp to the ground exhausted. Gatomon let out a sigh and smiled as she saw Agumon was back. Tai carried him up and gave Gatomon a smile. Gatomon smiled in return amd look back to see Amanda and Kari walking up to them.

/And the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong/

"Ready to go home?"

Kari asked as she held up her digivice. Tai, Amanda and Gatomon nodded. They were able to open the digiport and made it back to their world in one piece. Tai placed Agumon on his bed and covered him up for he could take a nice long rest. Gatomon stood by Agumon's side as he sleep. Tai took Amanda home and Kari was in the livingroom and would check every while so that Agumon is okay.

/Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring, becomes a rose/

Gatomon smiled brightly as she sat beside Agumon and gently caress his forehead as he sleeps soundly with a few snores escaping his mouth.

'I can't believe it Agumon returns my feelings, or else what other reason could it be that helped him to return back to normal. Once Agumon gets his strength back, I'm gonna need to talk to him because I need to hear it from his mouth'

She thought with a bright smile as she leaned down and kissed him on the snout. Agumon stir slightly but remained asleep.


He said sleepily. Gatomon pulled back with a frown but then shook her head and smile looking down at him.

'Once he wakes there is going to be a lot of explaining to do'

She thought with a smile as she gave him another kiss before snuggling up beside him. The next morning, Agumon woken up with his head pounding, he was surprise to see Gatomon sleeping right beside him and not Tai. Agumon slowly and gently made his way off the bed and headed to the kitchen to find Kari, Mrs. Kamiya and Tai at the dining table eating breakfast. Tai smiled at him.

"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?"

"My head hurts"

"I could imagine from what you went through"

Agumon frown in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't remember?"

Kari asked. Agumon shook his head.

"And I found Gatomon sleeping very close to me and if BG was to see that she would have been angry with me"

Kari and Tai looked at each other and Agumon notice.

"What is it that you guys aren't telling me?"

"I think you should sit down"

A voice said behind him. Agumon look back to see Gatomon standing besides him. Agumon and Gatomon made their way to the chairs and sat down and began to tell Agumon what happened. Agumon was heartbroken that BG had left but Tai reassured that it was for the best. Gatomon sadly looked Agumon.

"I was able to save you"

Agumon frown at her.


"BG told us the only way we could bring you back is that the special someone could talk some sense into you"

Agumon was lost in thought trying to remember what happened, he then look to Gatomon.

"What did you say exactly?"

Gatomon blushed and looked away with her ears flat down.

"I confess that I love you"

Agumon looked at Gatomon in surprise. Tai and Kari smiled at each other. Surprisingly, Agumon got off his chair and went to Gatomon and grabbed hold of her hand.

"Can we go talk in the room"

Gatomon nodded with a blush and follwed him.

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Gatomon X Agumon X BlackGatomonWhere stories live. Discover now