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Agumon and Gatomon entered Tai and Kari's room. Gatomon was smiling shyly.

'I bet he is going to confess to me that he feels the same way'

She thought happily. Agumon stopped to turn and face Gatomon and nervously scratched the back of his head.

"Gatomon I..."

"Wait, I know what you're going to say"

Gatomon said cutting him off. Agumon looked to her in surprise.

"You do?"

"Mhmmm, I know you feel the exact same way that I feel about you and I just want to say that I hope our new found love for each other will help to keep us strong and I promise I will love you and take care of you as long as you still have me. I love you Agumon"

She said with a smile. Agumon slightly frown and put his hand down and sadly looked down.

"Gatomon, I'm surprise you feel this way about me but I'm sorry I don't feel the same way"

He said as he looked up at her and saw the hurt in her eyes.

"What? Why? How can that be? I rescued you"

She said with tears threatening to fall. Her mind was filled with rejection, hurt and confusion.

"I don't understand, BG said that the special someone can wake you up from the virus and when I confess to you, you've woken up"

Agumon sadly looked down.

"I know and I remember"

Gatomon looked at him in surprise.

"Then how?"

"Because I love you like a sister just the same way like how Tai loves Kari."


"Gatomon, I really did love BG"

Gatomon let out a sad sigh putting her head down.

"I honestly thought you were just with her to get me jealous or because you were just too scared to tell me you love me that's why you were with BG because she looks just like me"

She said sadly. Agumon slowly walked up to Gatomon and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Is that why you been having arguments with me because you were jealous?"


"Oh Gatomon, you should have told me from the begining"

Gatomon looked up at him sadly.

"What difference would that do? Would you still be with me?"

Agumon put his hand down.

" but it could have saved you the trouble. I'm sorry Gatomon, really I am..."

"Just forget it"

She said as she turn around away from Agumon who looked at her im surprise.

"Just forget I ever said anything"

She said as she walked out of the room and entered the living room where Kari and Tai were surprisingly standing by the door way eavesdropping. Agumon let out a sigh as he shook his head. Gatomon made her way out to the balconey and felt the cool wind brushed through her fur as she let out a sad sigh.

'What was I thinking? Its all my fault that BG left in the first place because I didn't want her here because I wanted Agumon's attention and now that I know where his feelings stand, I bet I made him feel miserable. BG was never the bad one, sure she turn Agumon into a virus but still he wanted it'

Gatomon jumped on top of the railing and looked down to the busy city streets.

'I'm sorry Agumon for being so childish'

"I hope you're not going to do what I think you're going to do"

Said a voice interrupting her thoughts. Gatomon looked back and saw Agumon standing in the doorway of the sliding doors. Gatomon smiled at him and jumped off the balconey landing in front of him.

"I just don't want you to be mad or sad"

Agumon said. Gatomon smiled at him and embraced him in a surprise hug. Once she pulled back she looked at him.

"I'm sorry I caused you and BG to separate"

"Its okay, at long as she's happy with Blackwargreymon then who am I to break that up too"

Gatomon smiled at him.

"So are we okay"

"Of course we're okay"

Just then a knock sounded from the sliding door causing Agumon and Gatomon to look back to see Tai and Kari standing by each other.

"Sorry we attend to eavesdrop when we're worried"

Kari said sheepishly. Tai smiled.

"You know Gatomon, now that I think about it in a way you were protecting Agumon like a sister should"

Gatomon looked at him confused.

"But I caused them to break apart"

"Well yeah but your intentions were good. BG turn him into a virus, you were looking out for him and Agumon even in battles you still protect Gatomon just like a big brother should"

"Is this like the same way when Kari found out about Amanda?"

Gatomon asked. Tai grinned.

"Actually I was already dating Amanda but I kept it a secret for a couple of months before I even told anyone"

Kari smirk as she nudged him with her elbow.

"Tai was just embarrassed because he thought I would tell Amanda embarrassing stories of him. Besides Tai, is that true what Amanda said?"

"About what?"

"About her having a digimon but it got killed by another digimon"

Tai sadly smiled.

"Yeah its true"

"Imagine if BG was to become partners with Amanda"

Agumon said.

"I honestly thought that was going to happen"

Kari said with a smile. Tai smiled at them.

"Yeah but Amanda made it clear to me a long time ago that she doesn't another partner, speaking of which I'm gonna met her up at the park, you guys wanna come?"

He asked to Kari, Agumon and Gatomon.


The three said together. They got ready and headed to the park to meet Amanda. As they arrived they notice from a distance that Amanda was carrying something on her arms and it wasn't her purse. Amanda saw Tai and quickly ran towards him with happy tears. Tai quickly wrapped his arms around her.

"What's wrong?"

He asked concern as he saw the tears.

"Look who's back"

She said as she pulled back with happy tears trailing down her face as she held up Lopmon in her arms.

"No way"

Tai said with a smile.

"She's back"

Amanda said happily snuggling Lopmon who snuggle back to her partner from being gone for years.

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Gatomon X Agumon X BlackGatomonWhere stories live. Discover now