Break Through

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BlackWargreymon took a step towards BG and got down on one knee looking down at her. BG glared at the digimon before her.

"The one known as Tai has told me of your dilemma"

"So? And let me guess your going to sit me down and lecture me about how you understand how I feel"

She said rolling her eyes. Blackwargreymon stared down at her.


He stated simply. BG raised an eyebrow in confusion.


"No. I don't understand you"

"Then why are you here?"

"The one you have held captive is my friend and he was also the one who helped opened my eyes and now I want to open yours"

BG frown at him but said nothing as she just intertwined her hand with Dark Agumon.

"Hit me with your best shot"

"Unlike you, I was created by the control spires. I tried searching for my purpose in this world because all I knew was destruction and tried to survive. I always thought I was created without a heart in which your case your trying to fill your heart with love"

"You weren't born from a digi-egg?"


BG looked down at the ground with a  frown in confusion but then looked to Blackwarygreymon with a glare.

"How do I know you're not lying to me?"

"I have no reason to lie. Agumon can tell you the exact same thing"

"Why did you thought you didn't have a heart?"

"All I knew was destruction. I wasn't born the same. Everyone else that I saw looked like they have a heart. I felt left out..."

"Like no one understands"

BG finished for him. She slowly pulled her hand away from Dark Agumon and walked up closer to Blackwargreymon.

"What do you think about your heart now?"

"I questioned where my heart was, I thought it was only an illusion but I was wrong."

BG looked down to the ground once more.

"You need to let Agumon go"

"I can't"

She said lowly.

"You can find someone who really wants to be with you. Agumon has a friend and a world to protect"

"Please, I just can't"

"Why not?"

BG looked up with tears threatening to fall.

"Everyone I have ever cared for, has either died or left me. Everyone except for him. So don't tell me that I would be safer with someone else because the truth is I would just be more scared"

"What if I was that someone for you to protect you and make you feel safe again. I could give you what you are searching for and it's okay to be scared"

"I was alone for a very long time, things like this doesn't happen over night but over time"

Blackwargreymon carefully wiped away a few tears that fell from BG's eyes.

"A pretty face like yours shouldn't be shedding tears"

BG sniffled with a slight blush.

"Doesn't that let me know I'm alive?"

"You're feelings are where your heart is and your tears are just an example"

"You think I'm pretty?"

She asked with a slight blush causing Blackwargreymon to blush.

"Out of all the things that I have seen you are the most beautiful one of all"

A bright smile crip up on BG's face. Blackwargreymon smiled in return.

"So will you let Agumon go?"

He asked. BG looked back to look at Dark Agumon and then back to Blackwargreymon with a slight frown.

"The virus is out of my control but the only way he can break through is that if someone else can wake him up. He's still in there, he just needs that special someone or Tai"

Blackwargreymon hold out his hand to BG who happily smiled and jumped onto his hand. He placed her on top of his shoulder.

"Do you promise me that you won't leave me?"

She asked. Blackwargreymon looked at her with a grin.

"Wherever you go, I'll follow as long as you promise to never run away especially from me"

BG nuzzled her face to side of his face. She then looked down to the small group. She then jumped down from his shoulder and landed softly on the ground, she then made her way to Gatomon.

"You said you love Agumon. Then that should be enough for to break through but that's only if he returns your feeling. And if you succeeded tell Agumon, I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt him but hopefully one day he will understand why I did what I did. I know that now, Blackwargreymon is the one who really understands and I know he can keep me happy. I'll be with Blackwargreymon, take care"

BG said as she hopped her way back up to Blackwargreymon's shoulder. Blackwargreymon nodded and turn around.

"Thanks for your help!"

BG yelled as they began to walk away. Blackwargreymon looked back to Tai.

"Thank you friend. I will take care of BG and make sure she stays in line"


BG playfully scolded crossing her arms over her chest as Blackwargreymon chuckled as they continued their leave. Tai, Amanda, Kari and Gatomon looked to Dark Agumon who was still growling at them, unaware that BG and Blackwargreymon had left. Tai bend down beside Gatomon.

"I think its your time Gatomon. Bring Agumon back"

Gatomon looked to Tai with fear and doubt.

"What if he doesn't return my feelings? What if I can't reach him? What if..."

Tai placed his hand on Gatomon's shoulder silencing her ramble.

"If he doesn't then I will try, not all hope is lost"

He said with a smile. Gatomon nodded as she slowly made her way to Dark Agumon but not to close to the point he would attack her. Gatomon let out a sigh.

"Agumon if you can hear me, please listen. I have something to tell you that I should have told you a long time ago but I was too scared to know what you will think of me after I tell you."

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