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"I know exactly how you feel"

Amanda approach cautiously towards BG and Dark Greymon. BG hopped off her boyfriend's shoulder and landed softly on the ground and looked to Amanda with one claw on her hip.

"Do you now?"

She asked. Amanda stopped and nodded.

"I used to have a partner a long time ago. Her name was Lopmon, she died by a virus digimon trying to protect me. So you see we are not that different at all"

"What are you talking about its a huge difference"

"Not on my view. I bet Kathy was protecting you as well. She held you close to her chest and turn her back to Myotismon and had her eyes closed shielding you from what you were about to see."

"Shut up"

BG said angrily with tears threatening to fall not because she was mad but because the way Amanda decribed it, it was exactly what happened to Kathy. Amanda sadly smiled with her own tears threatening to fall.

"I know you're mad and sad but that was the same way Lopmon held me. It felt like someone ripped my heart out when I saw her turn into particles of data and she gave me one last look with a sad smile telling me to stay strong"

She said as tears trailed down her face as well as BG who was staring at the ground.

"What was Kathy's last words to you?"

She asked. BG turned her head to the side facing the ground.

"She told me to run"

She said softly but then stubbornly wiped away her tears and looked to Amanda angrily.

"That doesn't matter"

"Yes it does"

"No because you could replace your partner with another digimon"

"True but it will not be the same, that's why I choose not to have another partner because I'm afraid the exact same thing is going to happen again"

"Then why are you here?"

"Because the digital world reminds me of Lopmon, even though I know she's not here with me but look..."

She said pointing to the sky where large amount of data was flowing through.

"I know her data is up there and when I'm here all I have to do is look to the sky and I will be reminded that she's still here with me"

BG shook her head.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

Amanda faced BG in surprise.


"There is a huge difference. I understand that your digimon turned into data particles but I buried Kathy when all her blood was drained out of her body. So don't tell me that you understand how I feel or what I'm thinking. Kathy told me to run and so that's what I'm doing running. I don't stay in one place for too long."

"At least you are still standing by what she said but I don't think she meant for you to keep running all your life just for that moment until your safe"

"Then let Agumon stay with me. He's my heart now and I will not let my heart get ripped away from me again"

"But its not right. You are just replacing your brokenheart with Agumon"


"So, you won't be able to heal."

"I can heal just fine"

"No you're not. I can see it in your eyes that you still carry that burden that it's your fault but I'm here to tell you that its not."

"You don't know what I been through"

BG said angrily.

"I know and quiet frankly I don't even want to know because you've seen so much. You saw something that couldn't prevent but please don't shut yourself out, you don't need to keep your distance anymore. We'll be right here for you, all you need to do is let us in."

"All I need is Agumon"

"Agumon can't heal you. He may love you but after this I don't think he will after this"

Angewomon said standing up. Amanda and BG looked to Angewomon.

"Oh yes he will and I will make sure of it"

"Agumon is free to love whoever he wants. You don't know what love is, Kathy has been gone for too long that you forgotten how to love"

"How dare you"

BG said angrily.

"Leave Kathy out of this. For now on I don't want to hear her name from any of your mouth"

BG said threatening. Dark Greymon let out a growl.

"BG you have to let Agumon go"

Kari said softly.

"I can't. Why can't you understand that. I told you, I don't want to be alone anymore."

"When was the last time you told Agumon you love him?"

Angewomon asked. BG growled.

"That is not your concern"

"Then its not real love. BG you have been in the dark for too long that it also screw up your mind"

BG glared at her and snap her fingers signaling Dark Greymon to attack Angewomon.

"BG love is when you feel a deep affection for someone. The feeling that you felt with Agumon is what you thought was love because he gave you comfort, he listen and he cheered you up and made you smile for the first time. Agumon actually loves you but you don't, your heart is not in it"

Kari said as she made her way to stand by Amanda.

"We made love"

"Anyone can make love even if there is no feeling at all. Man I wish Sora was here, she has the crest of love so she can explain it better"

"It doesn't matter because no one in this world or yours can ever change my mind!"

BG yelled.

"Is that so?"

Said a voice. BG, Amanda and Kari turn to look and gasp when they saw Tai riding on Black WarGreymon's shoulder. BG smirk as she saw them.

"What's a matter? You decided to bring the big guns"

"No, we brought someone who could help you open your eyes. I understand we can't change your mind but he can"

Black WarGreymon stood in front of BG. Tai hopped off his shoulder and stood by Amanda and Kari. Dark Greymon and Angewomon separated as they turn to their rookie form.

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