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"Marinette DuPainCheng!" Rang over the speakers of the school auditorium. Everyone looked around as a girl with navy-blue hair and sky-blue eyes stood up with a wide grin on her face. She adjusted the blue cap on her head and walked down the aisle towards the stage. She climbed up the steps of the stage, her black heels coming out from under her blue gown, and positioned herself behind the podium.

"Congratulations, class of 2018! We did it!" She called, giving a pause to let everyone cheer. Once the crowd of students calmed down, the girl continued. "It has truly been an honor to be your class president for these past four years and it was amazing to be asked to give this speech to you. These past four years at Françoise Dupont High have been absolutely spectacular. Here, I learned much more than academics. I learned about friendship, I learned about teamwork, I learned about trust and honesty. Most importantly, I learned about what it means to be a good friend to all.

"The past four years spent at this school have taught us to be adaptable, whether that means having to be partners with someone you barely know or having to rework your classes around akuma attacks, and we will be able to use that adaptability. We are ready to be able to go different routes and to take chances. We will be able to take whatever life throws at us and be able to add to our skills. That's the challenge before us and it is one that we will all meet in our different ways. Some of us will want to stay at home, others to travel the four corners of the earth. Some will like to work alone while others will want to work in a partnership. Whatever we do or wherever we go, we won't forget today.

"Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish every single one of you health and happiness as you continue on to bigger and better things in life. I know every single person in here has what it takes to tackle whatever life throws at them. My fellow graduates, let's all throw our caps in the air and hit the world by storm!" She concluded. The crowd cheered and everyone reached atop their heads and tossed up the caps into the air.

Once Marinette had climbed down from her spot on the stage, she was rushed by her friends. Alya gave her a big hug and it was obvious that she was trying to hold back tears. Like most of the students, Alya was going out of the country for college and only would be returning to Paris over the holiday, leaving only Marinette and a few other students in France. Marinette was, however, the only student that was planning on attending Collège de France. She chose to stay in Paris in order to continue her duties as Paris' superheroine, Ladybug, and fight crime with her partner, Chat Noir. Luckily enough for her, Collège de France had an amazing design program and she had gotten in on a fashion scholarship.

"Alya, don't you dare cry or you'll make me cry! We still have a few days before your flight." Marinette said with a sniffle. Alya nodded and the two girls let out a sad laugh.

"I can't believe it, girl. We're actually going to college." Alya smiled. "We're finally grown-ups!" That certainly lifted the mood. 

"I just can't believe you and Nino are going to the same college! You guys are so lucky to have each other." Marinette mused and Alya nodded.

"I just can't believe that you and your boyfriend aren't going to the same college!" Alya exclaimed with an amused glint in her eye.

"I don't have a boyfriend?" Marinette questioned.

"Exactly! Girl, you haven't had a boyfriend at all during high school. How?" she teased.

"Don't blame me! There hasn't been anyone who's been able to sweep me off my feet and make me fall in love," she explained with a happy sigh at the thought. Alya poked her in the rib.

"You read too much!" The two girls laughed. "Come on, let's go catch up with the others. I think we're all going to Pizza Sant'antonio."


"You can't do anything, father! I'm already enrolled and I'm going, whether you like it or not! It would only make it easier for yourself if you just let me go. Collège de France is an amazing school and I am going. I'll be back for holiday, I promise."

"There is no way I am letting you leave to go to that school. And for what? Photography?! You're supposed to be in front of the camera, not behind it." 

"Not anymore! Listen, father, I know it's hard. I know you're scared of losing me like you lost mom, but I promise that I'll be okay. Now would you please get off my luggage?" 

Gabriel Agreste, the world-famous fashion designer, stood up from his seat atop his son's suitcase. He sighed and set his hand on Adrien's shoulder.

"Fine, you can go. But I expect you home every holiday unless I am made aware of otherwise at least two weeks in advance." 

Adrien let a small smile slip onto his face. "Deal. Thank you, father." He then walked over to the luggage that his father had been previously sitting on and grabbed hold of the handles and walked to the door. Before he exited his father's manor, he paused and turned around. 

"Goodbye, father."

"Goodbye, Adrien. Be careful."


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this short prologue. The chapters will be a lot longer, don't worry. I will be publishing chapters as often as I can, but I am going into my Sophmore year of high school and am also a student at college and have classes late in the afternoon, so I will probably only publish chapters once or twice a week with the exception of this week as I will be publishing as many chapters as I can to leave you guys something to start with. Also, if you haven't already, be sure to check out my other Miraculous story, An Unlikely Intern.

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