Chapter 1 - Hello's and Goodbyes

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Adrien climbed out of his silver car and collected his luggage from the trunk. He gave a small wave to the driver and the car departed, leaving Adrien on his own for the first time in his life. The blonde let out a sigh of relief and excitement before scanning his surroundings. Collège De France was made up of many buildings, all spread across the large campus. The buildings were tan and were very worn from age. The campus was pretty empty, as Adrien had arrived a week before the regular move-in day in order to get settled in earlier. He carried his two large rolling suitcases behind him as he walked through the opened gate towards the main office building to check in.

Adrien had decided to stay in Paris for school for three reasons. The main reason was so that he could continue to carry out his duties as Chat Noir, the infamous superhero. Him and his partner, Ladybug, saved Paris quite often from various akumatized victims and have been doing so for four years. When he was Chat Noir, it was the only time he could be free. Free of his burdens and responsibilities at home. As Chat Noir, he met his best friend, Ladybug.

The second reason he decided to stay was that it would be far easier to convince his father to allow him to leave if he was close enough to home. Finally, he decided to stay because of the fact that Collège De France had an amazing photography program. Adrien was a model for his father's company, so he was often in front of the camera. However, that wasn't the part he enjoyed about modeling. Before he would begin posing, he always loved to help the photographer set up his cameras and always asked a lot of questions about the process. Sometimes he was even able to help edit the photos.

Once Adrien had his room key, he followed the directions on the map he had been given to his dorm room.

"You and your roommate will get along well, I think. They've already arrived as well. Got here yesterday." The college advisor had informed him. Adrien smiled at the thought of having a roommate and he hoped that they would be friendly. The prospect of a new friend was all that Adrien thought about as he dragged his suitcases up two flights of stairs to the third floor. After his long treck, he wandered down the hall. There were about 20 doors all with different room numbers on them. A couple of them had stickers and posters on the outside of the doors that the students who had already arrived had put up.

Adrien looked down at his room key to double check his room number. Room 237. He looked back at the door that he had stopped in front of and nodded.

"This is it." He whispered to himself with a smile widening onto his face. He took a deep breath and opened the door. He was immediately filled with a light airy feeling and the smell of cinnamon was softly wafting through the room, making it feel homey. Adrien stepped inside and looked around. There were two loft beds, one on either side of the room. Underneath each bed sat a desk and a chair. The bed on the left side of the room had pink bed sheets laid out neatly on top of the mattress and matching pillows were neatly stacked against the wall. The desk underneath the bed had a laptop on top of it, accompanied by some jars full of pencils and a framed photograph of a group of friends. Resting against the side of the bed was a desk that was covered in different types of fabrics and a sewing machine. The right side of the room was completely untouched, waiting for Adrien to claim it and decorate it as he chose. The windows lining the back wall were adorned with black, airy curtains that were pinned to the side to allow sunlight to fill the room, making it feel bigger than it was.

Adrien carefully scanned the room, but it wasn't until he heard a loud 'thud' against the ceiling that he noticed that his new roommate was sitting on her bed. He looked up to see a figure sitting on her knees and rubbing her head. She quickly climbed down from the bed and stood in front of Adrien.

"Hi, you must be Adrien, right? I'm Marinette, your roommate." She said with a smile, holding out her hand towards Adrien. He stared at her hand for a minute before shaking it.

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