Chapter 3 - Red Strings and Parties

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A few days later, Adrien slowly opened his eyes to the stream of bright light flooding in through the window. He stretched his body across his entire bed and yawned before attempting to sit up. However, he always forgot that he was sleeping in a loft bed, so he hit his head with a loud thud and fell back down.

"Ouch!" He whispered as he rubbed his head. He heard a soft giggling coming from the other side of the room. Adrien sat up, carefully this time, and peered over the railings of his bed to see Marinette, in her own bed, looking back at him and laughing. He could feel his face turn hot as the newly familiar feeling of blush spread over his face.

"Good morning to you, too," Adrien mumbled with a small laugh.

Adrien climbed down from his bed and searched through his dresser until he found a pair of jeans, a black T-shirt, and a white jacket. He couldn't just walk around campus in his old baggy T-shirt and shorts. He went into their small bathroom and changed. When he came out, he saw that Marinette had already changed as well. Adrien let out a slow breath as he looked at how beautiful she looked. She wore a black sundress with ribbon straps and a red half-cut jacket to cover her arms. Her outfit matched the black earrings that she always wore perfectly. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail on the back of her head by a red ribbon.

"You look..." Adrien paused, searching for the right word to describe her. "You look amazing." He sighed.

Marinette smiled and did a little twirl. "Thanks. Oh, hey, are you going to the party tonight?" She asked him with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"What party?"

"Well, some sophomore is throwing a party in his dorm tonight. Kind of a 'welcome to college' kind of thing." She explained. She tried to sound excited, but it was obvious that she didn't really want to go.

"Are you going?" Adrien asked, raising one eyebrow. Parties weren't really his idea of a good time, but if Marinette wanted him to go with her to keep her company, he would be willing to make an appearance.

"I think so. I promised my friend that I would try to get out of my shell a bit more. I never really was a party girl in high school, but I guess I could try going to one," She offered. Adrien nodded understandingly.

"That makes sense. If you want a friendly face, I'll go too. Parties were never really my scene, either, but you never know until you try, right?" Adrien suggested. Marinette nodded with a smile on her face and headed towards the door.

"That would be great, thanks. I'm probably going to spend the day working on my designs so I'm going to go grab some coffee. Do you want anything?"


Marinette carefully balanced her coffee tray in her left hand and pulled her room key out of her pocket and wiggled it in the lock with her right. She had been noticing for the past few days that their lock was a little difficult to work. When she finally heard a click, she used her foot to push the door open and walked inside. Adrien glanced up from his laptop, where he was editing a beautiful photo of autumn leaves mid-fall from their tree, and smiled.

"One cafe breve with extra creme, sir." Marinette offered as she bent down to let her roommate take his coffee. Adrien took a sip and sighed.

"Thanks, Marinette." He smiled.

"Anytime." Marinette nodded and leaned over his shoulder to look at his computer screen. "Whoa, don't tell me you took that!" She gaped. Adrien blushed and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I did. It's not very good, but-" He explained sheepishly.

"No, no, no. You're right. It's not good." Adrien looked up at Marinette in surprise. "It's better than good! It's amazing! Truly beautiful, Adrien."

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