Chapter 10 - The End

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"Alya!" Marinette squealed, running towards her best friend and wrapping her arms around her. The girls hugged so tightly, Adrien worried one of them might suffocate. When they pulled apart, he could see that both of the girls were crying tears of joy. "Wait, but what are you doing here?" Marinette asked, wiping a tear from her cheek, still smiling wide. "We were supposed to pick you up from the airport in half an hour," she asked, tilting her head.

"Our plane got in early and Nino suggested we surprise you!"

"Speaking of Nino, where is he? I can't wait to see him again."

"Right here, dude!" Nino tipped his hat as he came in through the door. "I was just paying the Uber driver."

"Nino!!" Marinette screamed, running towards him and wrapping him in a hug.

Adrien smiled as he watched the three friends get reacquainted. After a few minutes, Marinette finally seemed to remember that he was there.

"Oh yeah! Adrien, this is Alya and Nino! Alya and Nino, Adrien." She introduced. Nino approached first and shook his hand politely, introducing himself and saying it was nice to finally meet him. However, when it way Alya's turn, she gave him a bone-crushing hug.

"I know you're in love with my girl and you better not do anything to fuck this up. If you do, I will hunt you down and consume you like a giant python," she whispered against his ear as she hugged him. Adrien's eyes widened but he didn't have enough time to react beyond that before Alya pulled apart from their hug and smiled widely. "Sunshine Child, it is so wonderful to finally meet you in person!" It was as if nothing had happened, and Adrien had no idea what to do or how to react. So instead, he followed Alya's lead and smiled, joining the chatter with the friends.

After a few hours of joking, chatting, and teasing, a devilish grin formed on Alya's face. It was only there for a moment, but Adrien caught it and feared whatever she may be thinking. He didn't have to sit in his anxieties for long, though, before Alya piped over the argument between Marinette and Nino about some new celebrity, Lila Rossi.

"Hey guys, why don't we play Truth or Dare?" 

The other three groaned.

"Come on, Alya. We're adults now," Marinette laughed.

"For old time's sake?" Alya pleaded with wide eyes.

"I don't know, Als... Don't you remember the last time we played? Junior year?" The bluenette raised her eyebrows, a blush dusting her cheeks.

Alya paused for a moment, trying to remember before freezing and then laughing. "Okay, you have a point. But you have to admit, I am a good kisser." Both girls laughed as they looked around to see the boys' eyes growing wide. "Long story," she shrugged. "Besides, Kim isn't here and these two are pretty trustworthy. Please, Mari!"

"Fine." Marinette finally caved with a sigh. "What do you two think?" 


"Truth," Adrien said with a confident smile.

"Oh come on, you've only picked truth for last hour. There should be a rule against it."

"Well, tough. I stand by my decision."

"Ugh, fine. Give me a second to think," Alya paused, tapping her chin with her glasses arm in thought. "Oh, okay. Adrien... is what I said to you when I first got here true?" Adrien froze, knowing exactly what she was referring to. Unfortunately, the girl waiting for an answer seemed to notice his stiffening and laughed. "I'll take that as a yes?"


"Come on, Adrien. Yes or no? We're the only ones who even know what this question means so no harm comes from you answering."

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