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(Hey there! If you read the last chapter before I finished it, I'd suggest going back and rereading it again! I had accidentally clicked 'Publish' before it was done and some people read it, so I highly recommend going back and reading that again oop-)

"We should probably get back in the closet and detransform before Alya and Nino get back, huh?"

"Yeah, probably best that they don't see Chat Noir and Ladybug making out in the middle of their friends' room." Chat laughed, walking towards the closet.

"Making out, huh? Is that what you're expecting once we get in there?" Ladybug teased, flicking the bell on his costume.

"Well, not expecting, but hoping maybe." Chat closed the door behind them and they both detransformed. As soon as the room was dark again after the flashes of light, Adrien pushed Marinette against the door, pinning her hands above her head. 

"What would Alya and Nino think if they walked in on this?" Marinette asked between breaths as Adrien trailed kisses down her neck. 

"They won't be surprised?" He offered, his breath hitting her skin and sending tingles down her spine.

"Silly kitty," she laughed. 

It only took a couple of minutes before they heard the lock to the door click again and the door swung open. With Adrien pressing his whole weight against her on the door, they both stumbled out. Marinette fell down to the ground with surprising speed while Adrien managed to regain his balance.

"Well, I was going to apologize for keeping you guys locked in there, but it looks like you two were perfectly fine." Alya and Nino laughed as they observed the numerous hickeys on both their necks. 

Marinette cocked her head up to look at Adrien, who was awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.  "Well, are you going to help me up here, my prince?"

"Yes! Of course, Princess!" Adrien rushed to her side and offered her his hand to help her stand.

"' Prince?'" Nino questioned.

"' Princess?'" Alya repeated back.

"We ah, got to know each other a lot better in there," Marinette explained vaguely, winking at Adrien. 

"Jesus Christ, keep your sex lives to yourself!" Alya yelled, throwing a pillow at her.

"One, look who's talking. Two, that's not what I meant and you know it. I guess I just... finally found someone to sweep me off my feet."

"What do you mean 'look who's talking?'" Nino asked panicked. When Marinette and Alya only laughed, he turned to his girlfriend. "What does she mean?! What have you told her!"

Adrien decided now was his time to pipe in. "How about we all go get some ice cream at Andre's?"

"I second that idea."

"I third that idea."


~ Three years later~

"I still can't believe they hired me!" Marinette cried out, hopping up and down excitedly.

"I can," Adrien replied calmly, a proud smile on his face He planted a quick kiss to her cheek before going back to packing the last of his boxes. "You're the most talented designer in Paris. They'd be absolute morons not to hire you." He dug under his desk until he could reach the packing tape.

"Well, look who's talking Mr. Globe-Trotting-Photographer!" Marinette smiled as she neatly placed her last box by the door.

"Well, not for a year, that is. I have another job to do until then," He corrected with a beaming smile on his face.

"That's true, but still."

Adrien picked up the last of his belongings off the desk, a framed photo of him and Marinette. He thought back to his first day at the college and smiled fondly.

"The empty picture frame, the one you put on my desk, I was wondering why you put that there?"

"It's kind of stupid, but it seemed sweet at the time."

"Go ahead." 

"Fine, but don't judge me. I'm sappy, I know."

"Well, you never seem to talk very happily about your family or the friend that you said that your father lets you hang out with, or anyone for that matter. You don't seem to be very close with anyone, so I figured that you don't have any photos that are super important to you to put in that picture frame."

"So it's there to... remind me that I'm not close with anyone?" 

"No, no, no! You see, you're away from your father now in a whole new place. I expect that you'll meet lots of friends and form a lot of connections with people. I want you to keep that picture frame empty until you find someone or something that's super important to you to put in it." 

"Thank you so much, Marinette. That's the sweetest thing ever."

He smiled as he set it in the box and taped it up. "All done."

"Finally, I'm so ready to get out of here. I'm still so glad I was able to work for your father throughout college so we could save up to do this."

"Me too."

The two walked out of the college, loaded their boxes into the trunk and backseat, and stared at the school. 

"So many memories were made here, huh?" Marinette remarked with a dreamy sigh.

"Yeah, I'm almost going to miss this place."

"But we're going to a better one: our futures together."

"Well, I wouldn't have gotten you that expensive ring if our future wasn't bright," Adrien teased, poking her in the cheek.

"Yeah, yeah, you stupid cat."

As they walked in the door to the new home they had recently bought, Adrien placed a gentle hand on her stomach.

"Welcome home, Emma," He said.

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