Chapter 6 - Too Easy of Lies

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Bonjour my amazing readers! You guys have been so supportive and active on both of my books and it's really helping me find the motivation to keep writing. I just wanted to thank you guys so much for reading and giving me so much support! Je t'aime! <3


Marinette held her breath, wishing a distraction would come to whisk her away from her predicament, but it never did. She let out a sigh, knowing there was no way to claim that it wasn't what it looked like. "It was, uh, I uh, Ha, you see, uhh" she stammered, trying to think of something. I would have been too easy to say some random name or that it was a dare, but Marinette didn't think of any simple explanations. Alya watched Marinette struggle with an expectant look painted on her face.

Suddenly a voice piped up from the floor. "It was me!" Adrien called out. Marinette moved instinctively to show her roommate in the camera shot as she sat on her bed dumbfounded.

"Wha-?" She whispered, mainly to herself but also towards Adrien. He gave her a look that she could almost hear his voice from. I've got your back. Marinette gave him a thankful nod.

This short and silent conversation happened in just over a second and in this second, Alya managed to tame the smirk trying to spread across her cheeks. "You? You gave her this hickey? You're the roommate, right? Sun child?" Alya finally relinquished control and let her laughter take over. Adrien almost looked hurt that she didn't believe him, even though it was technically a lie. Adrien didn't do that, Chat Noir did.

"Before we watched a movie last night, we ah, decided to play truth or dare to get to know one another and we, uhm, couldn't think of any dares so we used an app and uh yeah!" He explained, coming up with the lie as he went. He hoped he sounded convincing enough as he let himself laugh a little bit. It seemed to work because Alya's detective-like manner subsided.

"Fine, okay. A cold spoon for an hour should do the trick, by the way." She gave up.

Marinette turned to the phone back to herself after giving Adrien a grateful look and mouthing the words thank you. He simply nodded in response and opened his book again. As the two girls continued to chat about things unrelated to him, either of his identities, he turned back to his book. Adrien's mind, however, ignored the words on the page. It was instead focused on the events that had transpired only minutes before. At first, he was reliving the memory of their kisses, almost being able to taste her once again. Then on the love mark he had left her with that she had just finished explaining to her best friend, he could almost hear her soft groans as he had left it behind.

Then, lastly, he completed the sequence with those three words that he did not regret saying, just the timing. I love you. His eyes got misty as he thought about how she had reacted, freaking out and almost scolding him before asking him to leave. He didn't know how, or if, he would be able to face her again.

"Bye girl!" Alya bid farewell to her friend, startling Adrien back to the present. "And sunshine child, maybe calm down with the truth or dare, eh?" She teased before ending the call. Adrien forced a laugh as he set his book down.

"I can't believe she bought it," He commented with a laugh, trying to get into the mindset that he was just Adrien right now, no Chat Noir in sight. He took a small deep breath and let a real smile slide across his face.

"I know! Can I ask, though?" Marinette climbed down from her bed and stood to face Adrien with a confused look on her face. "Why did you lie to help me?"

"I grew up with my father, I can tell when someone doesn't want to give up information and she wasn't letting it go." He explained. "If I may ask, though, what is the story? It's fine if you don't want to tell me, just curious what I was covering for. Hope it wasn't a one-night stand or something," He jabbed, making her blush and laugh that bell-like laugh that made him want to melt into the carpet floor. He already knew the story, but he was curious as to the beautiful girl's point of view. Marinette poked him in the ribs. 

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