Chapter 2 - The Empty Frame

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Adrien and Marinette walked side by side down the winding pathways of the campus. It was a long walk and Marinette decided to fill the silence by getting to know the person that she would be living with for the next four years.

"So, Adrien, what are you in for?" She asked him.

Adrien gave her a confused look before realizing what she meant. "Oh! I'm here for photography. What about you?"

"Fashion design." She answered. "So tell me, what's someone like you wanting with a degree in photography?"

Adrien gave her another confused look. "Someone like me?"

She shook her head. "No, I don't mean it like that. I meant because you're a model. Aren't you used to being in front of the camera? I'm not judging, just curious." She explained quickly.

"Oh! So you know who I am? I was hoping to go through under the radar." He sighed.

"Don't worry, I'm not some obsessed fan. I follow your father's work. Fashion design, remember? I've seen you modeling a lot for him."

"Oh, yeah. It's not my passion though. He kind of forces me to model for him and I just do what he says. I really hate being in front of the camera, to be honest. I love helping the photographers set up and Vincent Ossa, one of the photographers, even gave me my own camera a few years ago and that's when I fell in love with photography." A smile grew on Adrien's face as he talked about photography. He looked over at Marinette and his wide grin turned into a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I've been rambling on." He apologized. "Let's talk about you. Tell me about yourself."

Marinette swung her arms as she walked and Adrien couldn't help but think about how cute it was.

"What do you want to know?" She wondered.

"Well, uhm... What about your family?"

"My family? Well, not much to tell, I guess. My father is from America and on a call trip in college to China, he met my mother and they fell in love, moved to Paris, opened a bakery, and had me. During school, I would help out in the bakery in my spare time and learned a lot about cooking and baking."

Adrien smiled at her story, thinking about happy that life sounds. He imagined his new friend in an apron with flour all over her baking with her parents. She would look so cute in an apron, he imagined. He saw the expression on her face change and he realized that he hadn't been paying attention and she must have asked him a question. He shook his head to clear it.

"Sorry, I must have spaced out. What did you say?" Marinette just laughed at his response.

"I asked you if that answered your question."

"Oh, yeah. That sounds like such an amazing life. Your parents must love you a lot." He said wistfully.

"Yeah, they do. I got lucky, I guess. What about your parents?" She asked, changing the away attention from her.

"Welp, not much to tell either. My mother disappeared when I was about nine, and ever since then, my father has been cold. Even colder than he already was. Anytime I talk to him, it's always through his assistant, usually saying that she'll pass on the message when he's not busy. Nathalie, that's his assistant, has homeschooled me my whole life and now I finally stood up to him and left to come here, to college, against his wishes. He says that I belong in front of the camera, not behind it like 'some dirty servant.'" Adrien described. Marinette let out a sad breathe.

"Wow..." She whispered.

"Yeah, but it's okay. I got used to it and I was okay."

Silence settled between the two as they walked. After a minute, Adrien broke the quiet barrier between them.

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