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4. Someone To Stay

You've drunk it down and now you've spat it out
Nothing tastes like the things you had
So tear it off, why don't you let them go?
We all need someone to stay

- by Vancouver Sleep Clinic, 2017

Terrified for its life, It fled.

How they were so powerful even without the comedic nuisance, It was unsure. But the nasty brunet with the furious eyes had something to do with it, It was certain of that.

After all, not once had any of those Losers come in swinging— yet, there he was, the little asthmatic man, charging into the cavern and hurtling rocks at anything that moved.

It had been pleasantly surprised when the Tozier boy wasn't there— he proved to be the most difficult so far, besides the clear stuttering leader of the unofficial 'club'. But he was being dealt with.

For a few blissful moments, It had dared to hope that perhaps the pain in its backside had finally kicked the can. Then he felt his presence, looming over him from hundreds of miles above his head— weak, but there. Fading, but still existing.

The nasty one— the Lover Boy, as It had become accustomed to calling him since trapping the Trashmouth in this loop— was the head of the charge, something that had never happened and was never anticipated. It didn't know how to deal with this oncoming attack.

But one's mind can easily be fogged by the fury of losing a loved one, and one's vision can easily be clouded by said fury, to the point where 'tunnel vision' may be used to their opponent's advantage. A few panicked moments of backing away from a tiny human who dared hurtle bits of the very planet It planned to eat merged into one in which the satisfying warmth of a body impaling itself on It's pincer stole the spotlight.

The last time It had felt such joy from a death had been when he killed the little yellow one who lost his boat— the one the stuttering leader was still so stuck on.

After he felt the very life drain from the body of Lover Boy, he tossed him aside— tossed him aside, ground his body into the cavern walls, and advanced on the four remaining 'Losers'— name self-appointed, and beginning to grow on the god-like entity.

It was amusing how fast they fled.

It lay in wait— waiting for the very moment that it could feel the comedian becoming hazily aware of his loss— then It reached out into the depths of time and space.

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