- A F T E R W O R D

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"...and should we ever find our ways back to each other, we will lay beneath the stars and pick down the ones we like best."
-Beau Taplin || P i l l o w t a l k


So here we are.

At the end of a very, extremely, excruciatingly long journey.

It has been one hell of a ride, you guys, and I would never have been able to endure it without you. The amount of effort I've poured into this story is unmatched by anything I've ever written, and the amount of support and feedback is the same. It's unbelievable to me how strongly people felt about this.

And now, as the final chapter draws to a close, I ask you simply this—

Did you enjoy yourself?
Did you laugh?
Did you cry?
Did you feel the ways I felt writing it?

Because that is my goal as an author. I want to make you feel things. I want to make you anticipate every next sentence, hang off of every word, and cling to characters like your life depends on it.

I got a lot of anxiety nearing the end of this story.

I have been working on this for over a year, and it's something that I poured a big piece of my soul into. I lived and breathed through this story for the past few months, and I was nearing the end, I was starting to wonder, 'What am I going to do once this is over? When this is over, what do I have left to work on?'

This is the longest work I have ever finished and been truly proud of. I was terrified of the aftermath. What if people didn't love the ending as much as I did? Am I ending it too abruptly? Did I leave any loose ends?

If I did, I apologize. If there's something you didn't like, I'm sorry. But what I've realized is that I am proud of this, and that's what really matters to me.

As for what I'm going to do next...

Let's just say I've got some ideas in the works.

Reddie & Stenbrough Christmas Fic

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Reddie & Stenbrough Christmas Fic

Reddie & Stenbrough Christmas Fic

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Reddie angst short story (Sorry)

Reddie angst short story (Sorry)

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Reddie short story

Reddie short story

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Reddie College!AU

Lost Boy
(Cover pending)

Sleepless In Seattle AU
(Cover & Title pending)

And if you can't wait for those, feel free to check out Whoa, Baby! on my profile. It's a completed short fic.
A fix-it with your daily dose of Married Life Reddie.

I plan on making a little B.T.S. book for Nine Chances with unpublished content and concept/outlines that I had.

I'll also be making a Spotify playlist of the songs that are at the beginning of each chapter as well as all of the music that I listened to in the process of writing this fic.

Once again, thank you all SO MUCH for taking this journey with me. I'm sorry this afterword is getting so long I just have so much to share with all of you.

So much love to every single person who followed me to the ends of this long, long road.

Thank you.

I love you to the ends of the earth!

Until next time.


" Soulmates looks good on us. "


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