- E I G H T H C H A N C E

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8. Unworthy

It's like I'm running away from me
It's like I've taken the puzzle in me
And left it scrambled for all to see

It's like I'm fighting behind these walls
And hiding through metaphors
This is real, these are flaws

- by Vancouver Sleep Clinic, 2017

It knew it was beginning to lose its grip on the disaster that liked to call himself a man. It would be even harder to turn everything back this time— and if It didn't succeed this time around, it had a feeling that it might be near-impossible after this.

It could feel his anger growing— like a hurricane as it touched down just off the coast of the ocean, ready to move inland and tear the very roots of civilization from the ground and leave a path of destruction and devastation in its wake.

It was reluctant to call the emotion stirring within its stomach fear... but what else it could be was beyond even It's understanding. Part of It was afraid that the Trashmouth would watch his prize die with little emotion at all. That he had just grown used to it now, and it would no longer have the intended effect.

But the other, darker, deeper, more private part of It's being knew that this was not the case.

While the Funny Boy would no longer react the way It wanted him to, it was not out of nonchalance—

He was pissed.

And rightfully so, It had to admit, as it watched the shell of a human trudge up to the stone that had crushed the bodies of his two remaining friends, one living and one already having passed through the veil. But this was a different kind of anger than before.

This was a blind fury.

But It could see flickers of recklessness in his heart, and It knew that maybe once more wouldn't kill him— after all, if he got to him this time, and truly broke him down, then the end would be so much more worth it.

So it straightened its back— held its head up high. The man turned, and he saw those dark eyes flash with that smoldering fury. He started to turn around and make his way back towards it, and It faltered, stepping back.

What is he doing?

"Don't you dare," the little pest was saying, and his voice shook and cracked so much that It hardly caught his words. But he continued, and he was only getting closer, and It was only backing further into the now seemingly-closed in space of its home. "Don't you dare fucking start this over again."

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