Momma (Y/N)!

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Isn't exactly a Guzma one but i wanted to make it
It was obviously known how much trouble Team Skull causes. Whether it would be stuff like messing with the trials or something, the rascals always liked to cause trouble and mischief wherever they went. However, back at base was an entirely different story.

"Hey Miss (Y/N) where do we put these boxes!?"

"Check what's in them first! If it's clothes put them in the laundry room! If not then put them in the supply room and you can just call me (Y/N) Debbie!"

The female grunt, who went by Debbie, nodded at your words before rushing to the others who were organizing the storage/supply room. You huffed putting down the boxes you were carrying on a nearby chair and looked at all the grunts tidying the huge mansion they called home.

Some were cleaning out the rooms, others washing, separating, or folding laundry and the rest were in the kitchen trying to see what was good and what wasn't.

Guzma had gone out with some grunts and Plumeria probably to stir up some ruckus. There were a few other grunts who had gone out to catch some Pokémon of their own or just steal some.

"Miss (Y/N)!"

Speaking of those grunts.

A small group came rushing towards you soaking wet from the rain outside. They all held an excited gleam and aura which cause everyone else to see what was going on. A male grunt named Jason came up to you with the signs of a grin on his face.

"Something amazing just happened!"

"It was unbelievable!"

"It was so cool, yo!"

"Alright, alright settle down. Now what happened?"

Another male grunt named Ryan rushed up to you with an obvious huge grin holding a Nest ball close to his chest.

"So we was looking for some Pokémon and we all split up and I heard somin' in the bushes and a Pokémon pops out! So I used the techniques you showed me ta catch it! And now-"

He cut himself off throwing the pokéball into the air as it clicked opened the caught Pokémon being released.


"I got a shiny Fomantis on ma' team!"

Everybody broke into an excited uproar at the sight of the rare Pokémon. You let out a gasp of excitement seeing the Pokémon hop into Ryan's arms and cuddled up to him, settling onto his shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you Ryan!"

"Heh, thanks mom."

The room went silent as everyone stared at the young boy. He immediately panicked and tried to correct himself.

"I-I mean-! I'm sorry ma'am! I didn't mean to! I-I-!"

You cut him off as you gently patted his head.

"Your welcome sweetie."

He looked at you with stars in his eyes as he grinned once more and rushed into your arms as you held him close. The whole room went into an uproar as many teased the boy or started thinking of new nicknames for you.


Guzma entered the mansion with the three grunts and Plumeria behind them. All soaked to the bone because of the storm.

The grunts ran to their room to change while Plumeria calmly walked to hers. Guzma was about to follow until he heard ruckus in the kitchen.

Raising an eyebrow, he went in and was surprised to see some grunts in there along with you making...pasteries?

All of you were excitedly talking but something caught his attention.

"Hey Momma (Y/N) when are the brownies gonna be done?"

"In a few more minutes Katie."

"Momma (Y/N) does the batter look okay?"

"It looks perfect Mason."

"Yo Momma (Y/N) what shapes should we use for the cookies?"

"Whichever shape you guys want. We can always change it."

Guzma was fairly surprised at the new nickname the grunts called you. Yet as he looked at you calmly responding to the grunts questions and watched as all the grunts smiled and laughed with you, a small smile formed on his face.

'She is like a mom isn't she?'

Guzma x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now