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I'm sorry but he might be OOC cause I can't get a clue on the edge lords personality
Also not a Guzma chapter but I still love ma edge lord
It was a mystery to you how the blond boy got in Team Skull. You thought maybe it had to do with his rare pokémon Type-Null, maybe Guzma had seen something in Gladion that reminded him of himself when he was younger. Or maybe he just liked the kid's personality.

It always confused you how he sometimes acted around you. You always wanted to know how he was and if was taking care of himself and his other pokémon. Yet, the look he gave you when asked these questions always made your heart-wrench.

It was almost like he never had someone to look after him.

You finally broke through him one day though.


You roamed around the mansion, suspicious of the quietness that lingered. As you walked to the kitchen you saw a note on the table that you had missed before.

My Beauty:

I sent the grunts out to mess up the trials on every island. We'll probably be back tonight. Don't worry Plumes and I will make sure nothing happens to them.

From your Beast~

You rolled your eyes at his note before putting it back and decided to clean up a bit before starting dinner for everyone.

You walked back out to the living room area but to your surprise the mansion's door opened and there stood-

"Nanu! Gladion!?"

Nanu stood their with his hand on Gladion's shoulder, holding him tightly. Meanwhile, Gladion stood there soaked and shivering, a red hue on his cheeks.

"Caught this one training himself to death. Almost collapsed till' I forced him to come back."

You immediately ushered Gladion into the mansion before nodding at Nanu.

"Thank you for bringing him back."

He nodded back before leaving, shutting the door with a loud bang. You turned back to Gladion a scowl on your face.

"Gladion what were you thinking! You're soaked and you most likely have a cold or worse a fever! Go to your room and change, I'll bring up some soup."

You turned him around and gave him a light push to the stairs before rushing into the kitchen. You immediately got set on making the soup for him gathering the ingredients and setting a bowl and spoon to the side.

Immediately after the soup was done, you hurried upstairs with the food and knocked on Gladion's door.


"It's open..."

You entered the room and saw him curled up on his bed with the cover wrapped around him. You sighed and placed the bowl on the table next to his bed before taking out one of your pokéballs.

"Flareon come on out sweetie."

A bright light appeared before taking form of your trusty Flareon who let out a cry upon being released.

"Flareon could you warm up Gladion please?"

Your Flareon nodded and hopped on the bed curling around the boy, activating her ability Flame Body, who unconsciously leaned into the warmth.

"Think your warm enough to eat the soup?"

He nodded and took the food from the table and began to slowly eat it. You looked at him with worry before sighing.

Guzma x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now