Valentine's Day Special #2 💗

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I'm so sorry its taken me so long to update this story! I have been very busy especially at school I'm close to failing 3 classes and yeah. I've been trying to catch up with my work and haven't even thought about this book! That makes me feel really bad but I have time now and will use it! Thanks for sticking with me and waiting patiently! I got a new computer so hopefully updates will run more! smoothly I hope you guys enjoy!


First PoV:

I sighed happily watching the waves of the beach crash onto the shore. I looked back on what has been happening recently and am so relieved I had so much support from everyone. 

Hala, Kukui, Burnett, Olivia, Nanu, Hau, Acerola, the grunts who I viewed as my own children many times, Plumeria, Gladion and finally him...


He stuck to my side the entire time and proved to me he would always be there if I ever needed him. Even on my worst days he would simply hold me tight and would let me cry into him, accepting my emotions with open arms.

Something jumped into my lap and looking down I saw-


He cooed at me and snuggled into my stomach as I pat his head with a smile.

"You were so patient in waiting for me honey... I'm so sorry I couldn't give you the attention you needed...Don't worry. I'll pay it back with twice as much cuddles and affection okay baby?"

He let out excited squeaks and I smiled, happy to know my baby forgave me.

"Do I get that special deal as well?"


He stood behind me with that amazing smile of his and a beautiful bouquet of roses in one hand and the other in his pocket. He walked over and playfully shoved the roses in my face before setting them and himself down next to me.

"Thank you Guzma."

"Your welcome Beauty."

I frowned a bit before looking back at the sunset,

"Guzma...I'm so-"


I looked back at him with a more visible from and opened my mouth but he cut me off.

"I know what you're gonna say and I don' wanna hear it. You ain't gotta apologize for nothin'. You weren't feeling yer best but that ain't yer fault. I wanted to stay by you for a reason. A reason that's true even now. I love you and nothin' ain't ever gonna change that."

I continued to stare at him with tears prickling my and defeated look on my face as well as a smile,

I continued to stare at him with tears prickling my and defeated look on my face as well as a smile,

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He pulled me into his chest making sure to not crush the roses nor disturb Wimpod.

"I love you Beauty."

"I love you too Beast."

Guzma x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now