Chapter 1

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(Marco's pov)

I looked over at my best friend Oskar Greason as he folded then last of the paper air planes. He handed me six already made planes. "Ready? On the count of three we throw." He whispered.

I nodded and picked up the first one I pulled my arm back I watched as Oskar held up fingers. One finger, two fingers. A loud buzz went off over head.

"Marco Diaz to the principles office."

I quickly drop the plane before people could turn and look at me. A course of "Oooos" came out from my peers as they turned and looked at me.

I kicked my feet off from the top of the desk and stood up. Oskar waved at me and I looked over at him as he mouth out "What did you do?" I shrugged my shoulders and smirked at him and made my way to the door, as I walked out I heard our math teacher yell that I needed a hall pass.

I decided that whatever the principle found out that I did, his punishment could wait. I made my way to the bathroom and opened a tootsie pop.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My sixteen year old body was tall and my arms were muscular thanks to years of boxing. My brown hair was flip up in the front. My black stud earring clearly showed since my hair didn't cover my ears. My face was had a few scars nothing to noticeable unless you got real close. Which not many people did unless they wanted to start a fight. I had missed a few places while shaving so I had stubble here and there. I had a black mole on my right cheek.

My black leather jacket hung over my favorite red hoodie which cut to a V in the front showing my white under shirt. I had black fingerless gloves on my hands and black jeans to match. I had wore my black converse instead of my black combat boots today.

I bit down hard on the sucker causing part of it to break off. I let out a sigh and tilted my head back against the cool wall.

If I had gotten in trouble again they were going to call my parents and I hated when they had to take off work to come here and hear about my "behavior problems" again.

I hit my head against the wall. There was no point in hiding, the principle will send his square, hallway monitors to come a find me. I stuck my hands in my hoodie pocket and walk to the office.

I threw open the door and walked in. Principle Skeeves was standing there with a blonde haired girl probably my age maybe younger. "Diaz! Your late."

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. "Sorry, I forgot where the office was. It looks different walking here by yourself instead of having a escort."

Principle Skeeves seem unamused. He took a calming breath before continuing "Marco this here is Star Butterfly." He paused and I watch as she picked her long, poofy, dress and curtsied.

"Ahh...what's up?" I asked. How do you responded to that?

"She's our new foreign exchange student. I want you to give her a tour of the school today." He continued.

I looked over at the girl. Her blonde hair was in a high pony tail. Her bangs tucked into the sides. Red bows that suck up from her head band were clearly seen. Her blue dress had a collar and round poofy sleeves. The dress itself was frilly, blue, and went to her ankles and she wore white flats on her feet. In her hands (which she held in front of her) was a round, short, baton like thing with wings and a crown, with a big star in the center. Though the oddest thing was her cheeks. Instead if dimples or just having rosy cheeks, this girl had a heart on both sides of her face.

Yup she definitely wasn't from around here. I turn back to the principle. "Are you really sure you want me to show her around?" I asked. Cause really? What is he thinking, he's pretty much throwing her to the dogs.

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