Chapter 5

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Marco's pov)

"This sucks." I thought as Star and I took cover behind one of my parent's yard decorations. Star fell closely behind, jumping on top of it.

"Cupcake blast!" She yelled shooting a few of the monsters with large exploding cupcakes, though it did little to hold them off and they rushed forward. Slicing the head off the dog statue, we took off toward the shed, Star turning back to shoot the monsters that were following to close.

"We got them cornered!" Ludo shouted.

I pushed my weight against the door as Ludo's army pushed and banged against it. Star lite her wand up so that we could see and I quickly locked the door.

"Damn it." I muttered as I pushed some boxes in front of the door keeping it closed.

"Marco, what's going on?" Star asked, and I'm sure if this wasn't a life or death situation she might have chastise me for swearing. I almost wish she would.

"Um, don't freak out, but this maybe all my fault." I told her quickly as I dig through some boxes.

"What?!" She yelled at my back disbelief lacing her voice. I heard heavy breathing and the sound of the blinds on the window moving, before she continued.

"What did you do?" She demands.

The shed shook causing me to fall with the sugar skull I had been holding. I picked it up and handed it to Star.

"Here hold this, we're going to need some armor." I told her hoping it would distract her from my confession.

I moved over to the other side of the shed as Star said my name threateningly.

"Now where did Oskar and I put the blow torch?" I mumble to myself. I knew we were the last ones to have it unless Janna came by and "borrowed" it.

The shed shook and the blow torch fell into my hands. "Ha, here it is." I smiled at the convinces.

I put on a face mask and turned it on just as Star said my name again.

I knew that ignoring her and her questions was probably pissing her off, but if I could avoid telling her the truth I would, cause the truth was kind of embarrassing and really sentimental, and I knew Star would look to much into to it.

"Marco Diaz!" She snapped and I turned off the blow torch and flipped up the masked, looking at her angry blue eyes, I pretty much knew I was screwed.

"What is going on?" She asked once more and I sighed. Hell, this girl knew how to work on my conscience.

"Look, you remember how I was having that really shitty day?" I asked.

I went back to making armor as I thought about it. Oskar was sick, so I had to take the bus, but I over slept and while being late wasn't that big of a deal, it ended up being Skeeves that was my substitute teacher for first period and he put me in detention on a Friday, when I had a boxing match. If that wasn't shitty enough one of the football "stars" I was suppose to be tutoring failed his math test so not only was he pissed off at me, but so was the coach who made me run laps until there was only 15 minutes left in P.E class. Then the player in question shoves me into Jackie causing me to snap her skateboard in half.

Really though it was the players fault he failed that damn test. He didn't even show up for his tutoring and I wasn't going to beg him to. The coach got Oskar out of detention for the rest of the month like I wanted, and I agreed to tutored his player, he didn't come so I didn't make him so, he failed. End of story.

"I'm sorry you had a bad day Marco, but what does that have to do with right now?" Star asked as she helped me with the armor.

"I'm getting to that. Chill." I told her, right as a arm broke through the wall. Thinking quickly I moved the sugar skull in its reached letting it ripped the head off.

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