Chapter 4

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(Star's pov)

Thump, thump,thump, thump.

I listen to the sound coming from upstairs of the Diaz's house. I put down the copy of Pride and Prejudice that Janna had lent me. She said she read it in middle school and was using it to keep a chair from rocking, but she thought I would like it more so she let me borrow it.

I made my way upstairs, following the sound of the thumps. I turn down the hallway the led to Marco's room. I stepped quietly and notice that he left his bedroom door open, with the light still on. I took a step forward into his doorway.

Marco stood in the middle of his room bouncing on his toes as he place punch after punch on a bag that swung from the ceiling. He had to have been going to this for over an hour since sweat was traveling down his face, and clinging to his white tank top. I watched the way his black gym shorts swish around the top of his calves.

I stood there in his doorway and watched him. He seemed really focus and I didn't want to be the one to break it.

"What's up, Princess?" He ask never slowing down his hits.

I'm not going lie, but I was pretty surprise that Marco knew I was in his doorway.

"What did that poor bag ever do to you?" I ask and I watch as have of his mouth turn up in a smirk.

"It's nothing personal. I just have to make an example of him." He played along with my question, which made me have to force back a smile and eye roll.

He slow down his hits and came to a stop. He turned around and looked at me.

"I have a match this weekend, do you want to come?" He asked as he took off his gloves.

"Marco, I really don't think it's my thing. Self defense is one thing, but hurting people as a sport seems barbaric." I told him and he shrugged.

"Whatever floats your boat, your highness. Janna and Oskar will be there so it's not like you'll be lonely. Besides if I win this fight it puts me in the running to go to the championship, so hell yeah to that!" He exclaimed.

He smiled at me widely and I could tell that he was extremely excited about this. I didn't know much about Earth sports or did I approve of this one, but Marco's excitement was contagious and I did want to support him, if it made him this happy.

"Now if you don't mind Star can you leave for a bit. I need to shower and change." I nodded and walked into my room and sat down on my bed. It didn't take, but two minutes before I the loudest of thumps and Marco scream a string of profanities.

He had fractured a finger and two broke knuckles from hitting the metal doorframe, is what the doctor said. So under no circumstance was he to box this weekend or any until his hand heal.

"This is shit." I heard him mumble underneath his arm that covered his face.

I did feel bad for him. He had trip over a shoe in his room and stuck out his hand to keep from falling only to to hit the doorframe with such force that it broke it.

I sat at my desk trying to focus on my book as Marco groan from where he laid on my bed. I knew he wasn't in pain since the doctor prescribed some type of medication to him for pain, he just wanted to make noise so I would keep talking to him.

I felt bad, I really did. He had been really excited. I move my wand off my lap and on to my desk.

"Wait a second you have a wand! You can just heal my hand!" He jumped up from my bed.

"I don't think that's something I feel comfortable trying Marco." I look over at him as he fell back on my bed with a groan.

I guess I could look in the instruction book for a spell. I stood up and walked over to my bed.

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