Chapter 3

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(Marco's pov)

"I like red, I like hoodies, so I bought a dozen of them." I said nonchalantly while shrugging. Star smiled and let out a small laugh. I smile softly. This was nice, just walking down the school hallway together before class, since the likelihood of convincing her to skip class was low.

A group of people walked by us, a few telling Star hello and that they'll see her in class. Star and I shared a few classes together, and I found out that she shared a class with Janna and with Oskar. She did have class with the three of us, but it was last period so one of the three of us or all of us would skipped.

"Marco, everyone is so nice here." She told me as she waved bye to her classmates. I couldn't tell just by looking at them which class she had with them.

"Yeah, actually you should met Ferguson and Alfonzo. You'll probably really like them." I nodded to the direction of my friends. Only to see Ferguson trying to hit on some girl using a face drawn on his stomach only to get slap and his stomach slapped as well. Damn, not the best time for an example. I looked back at Star to see her reaction to the display. She seemed to be confused, but I could tell she was fighting back a smile.

"I'll introduce you to them another time." I notice that Oskar and Janna were standing at my locker waiting for me. Janna taking a selfie and Oskar playing his keytar.

I smirked to myself. I took out a sucker from my leather jacket, undid the wrapper, and stuck it in my mouth. They had wanted to meet Star... Now was a good damn time as any.

"Hey, follow me." I didn't give Star a chance to respond I grabbed her wrist that didn't have her wand in it, and pulled her toward my locker knowing that I'll probably get chewed out for it later.

"Hey guys!" I said as I stood in front of them with Star in tow.

They both looked up at me and then drifted their eyes to my company. Janna looked her over as a grin spread across her mouth. Shit. That's never good.

"Hi Marco! Who's your friend there?" She asked.

"Guys, this is Star Butterfly. Princess of Mewin" I let go of Star's wrist incase she wanted to curtsy or something. Instead she just rubbed her wrist and looked at me completely confused for a few moments then flicked her eyes to my best friends.

"Star this is Janna and Oskar." I told her. I watched as she began to smile realizing that I was introducing her to my best friends.

"So your the famous Star Butterfly that Marco just loves talking about." Janna teased. I sent a quick glare her way. I was doing what she asked, introducing her to Star, the least she could do was not make me sound like a prick or get me chewed out.

"Except he never once mention how pretty you are." Janna continued her smirk never leaving.

"I've seen you before, your in my last period and in my English class." Star said ignoring Janna's previous statement which was good since Janna would have kept on and kept on.

"Oh yeah! Your that blonde chick who sits in the front of class!" Damn Janna sure knew how to make a hell of an impression.

"Yes that's me. Are you not the girl who sits in the back and make rude comments about the teacher and our fellow classmates?" Star asked.

"Yup that's me!" My eyes widen at Janna's reaction to Star. "I'm also the one who changes our teacher's pictures on the slide show to the gross or nasty ones." She bragged.

"I'm guessing your also the one who drew mustaches on all the famous poets posters and left the skeleton in the biology lab in a vulgar pose?" Star asked sarcastically.

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