Chapter 6

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(Marco's pov)

I prop my feet up on the row of bleachers in front of me as I leaned back, taking out a sucker, I stuck it in my mouth.

Janna was sitting next to me, occasionally leaning forward to swat Oskar on the back of the head, for starring to long at the cheerleaders as they warmed up.

"Janna cut it out. I'm only doing what everybody else will be doing in an hour. Watching the cheerleaders." Oskar snapped as he turned around from where he sat next to my converse.

Janna rolled her eyes. "I don't know why you would even bother paying attention to them, Brittany is such a..."

I nudged her with my elbow. Cause while it may be true I didn't feel like hearing another pain in the ass lecture about vulgarity from Star.

I heard Janna snort and Oskar was looking up at me with a shit eating grin.

"What?" I asked, taking my sucker out of my mouth.

"Marco, Star isn't here yet. Remember she said she didn't want anything to do with ditching sixth period and would wait for the pep rally to start at seventh period like everyone else. Although it's so cute of you to be taking her, 'You should never have to use vulgarity', rule to heart. Even when she's not around." Janna was smiling at me like she had me all figured out.

"Janna I don't give a damn what type of language you used, but I could live with out all the lectures on politeness, manners, and etiquettes, so if you be so kind as to humor me. I'd appreciate it." I put my sucker back in my mouth.

"To bad Star isn't here, it would be nice to have someone here who's actually pleasant." Oskar mussed.

I rolled my eyes. Anytime Star is around us, Oskar takes it as a opportunity to flirt with her. He didn't even like her like that just enjoy doing it. "She likes Justin, why I have no idea, but..." I drifted off know Oskar didn't need any further explanation.

Janna heard me. "Because he's cute and genuinely a nice guy, plus he doesn't pick fights with her every other day." She told me while smirking.

I bit down on my sucker. "We don't fight every other day." They both gave me a look.

"Well not anymore." I mumbled.

Skeeves turn on the microphone and cleared his throat. "Now give it up for your head cheerleader, who made captain on her own and not because her father made a generous donation to the school; Brittany Wong!" He yelled as the cheerleaders took the field.

I leaned over Star to A. Talk to Janna since she chose to have Star sitting in between us, and B. To annoy Star.

"You think if you actually made head cheerleader you wouldn't need to have Skeeves tell everyone you got it on skill alone." I said smirking.

Janna grinned. "But then how else are we suppose to know how we could afford the new cheerleader uniforms and all the football equipment?" She asked while snickering.

I felt a hand come to rest on my chest and I looked up to meet Star's blue eyes. I felt her push me back so that I was no longer leaning across her lap to talk.

"Personal space, Marco." She said as she went back to watching the pep rally.

"Give it up, if you totally love our awesome, opossum!" Brittany yelled into the mic.

Most of the crowd stood up and cheered while Oskar, Janna, and I stayed unmoving. Star looked at us as she politely clapped her hands.

"Why are you not participating?" She asked.

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