A New Day

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My head felt heavy. That's not something new. Since I am kidnapped I have facing this morning hangover. Argh! Go away. I scolded my headache unable to open my droopy eyes. Something wasn't feeling right I realized when the uncomfortable bed started poking at my backside. I twisted my ass and wiggled it shove away the discomfort. Since when did this bed start poking me? Last time I remembered it was pretty comfortable.

I reached the object that was creating the discomfort and gripped it with my right hand. My eyes immediately flew open. Oh my god! My heart started to hammer vigorously. Snake!

I screamed at the top of my voice almost bursting my ear drums in the process. I closed my eyes tightly and coved my face with both of my palms.

"Snake! Snake! It's a snake. Somebody save me. Shoo!

"What the?", a male voice sipped through my scream. A MALE VOICE? I peeked through my fingers and my eyes clashed with his disoriented gray obs.

I uncovered my face and his looks made me gooey. His disheveled hair was sticking out from odd angles and that made him look almost like a normal human being. I had an odd urge to run my finger through his messy hair to feel the texture. He was looking boyish the way his hair covered his forehead giving his eyes a soft innocent look. The newfound charm almost intrigued me.

But wait, what was he doing beside me that to early in the morning? And the snake? Shit I almost forgotten about the snake. Probably the snake has bitten me that's why my mouth is watering seeing this man and ogling him. Does a snake bite hallucinate people? How am I suppose to know that? I have never bitten by a snake.

"Not my fault, I don't intend to shout like that in the morning. But there is a snake here".

I could see him gritting his teeth then getting up from the place where he was sleeping. The hay stuck to his back-side and he didn't bother to brush it off.

I searched for the snake surrounding me but there was no sign of the animal. How is that possible? I have felt it with my own hands. And what kind of snake was it? It didn't bite despite of intervention.

My object of interest brushed his shirt and tamed his hair hand combing then turned to look down at me. "It wasn't a bloody snake woman. You will surely give a heart-attack to a man if you react like that", saying that he left god knows where.

I scrambled up quickly to follow him. How can he leave me behind in this jungle? Well it doesn't matter to him if I live or die doesn't it?

"Wait!", I quickened my strides to reach him. Tall man and their long legs.

"If it wasn't a snake then what was it? And how are you sure that it wasn't a snake because clearly you were sleeping when I screamed", I asked catching up with him. Good lord why the hell is he walking that fast? Insensitive B.

"Because I know and now shut up".

"I wont. Tell me how? Are you an antaryami? (fortune teller)

He turned then and glared at me. Why is he glaring at me?

"Because...", he stepped towards me. I flinched and stepped back. "you were...", he took another step and I had to take a big step back or else our nose would have bumped. "touching me...".

"Why would you feel like a snake?", before I could control my stupid question it just went out of my mouth and then I realized how...umm... what did I touch.

Astonished and embarrassed I closed my mouth with my hand. My eyes popped out in disbelief. I took a step back again but this time landed on my butt with a thud inside a small ditch.


"Unbelievable", he muttered while he turned to walk away.

"O Hello! Mister. Don't you have any etiquette?" I shouted to gain his attention back. How dare he walk away like this without picking me up from here?

MaNan FF : Her Captivator (Swear By Blood Series Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now