Uncontrollable Desire

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I chewed on my last piece of meat uninterested. It has been four days I haven't seen him. Exact four days since the kiss happened. A portion of the food got stuck in my throat making my cough.

"Hey! sweety, are you okay? You seem lost", the housekeeper passed me a glass of water.

I didn't answer her since I didn't want to lie. My thoughts wandered around a certain someone. A certain someone, who has whirled me with just a mere kiss.

Well, whom am I kidding with? It wasn't just a mere kiss. It was scorching hot. I was shocked by his urgency to kiss me and even more by my reciprocation. It is not that I have never been surrounded by bunch of hormonal youths, but this man took my estrogen to another level.

It started of as a punishment but then it turned into pure seduction. And oh my i have to admit that i enjoyed it so much. Mr. Manik Malhotra is hot. Even though his lips were soft but the things that he did to me wasn't even close to polite. His every touch burned me. His every nibbles ignited the fire inside me. The fire I thought I never possessed.

I have read about such kisses in romance books but never thought it can happen in real life too. I used to always dream about such hot chemistry between the two protagonists but never thought they could exists for real.

I was wrong. I smiled then. After all romance stories are based on real lives. The kind of story we are carving, it would have been one of the bestsellers in romance.

I saw adu's ducky on his green coloured high chair and smiled. I have to admit that I am falling for this little one. And past four days our bond has become stronger. I am making him identify objects by its shape and smell. He is a fast learner I must say,

Yesterday he asked me how do I look. I have made him touch my face, explaining each and every part of my face so that he can see me through his inner eyes.

"You are beautiful Nandini", he told me then and my heart melted for this little one.

It's almost like a routine for us to eat breakfast together. I learnt from his nanny that Adu doesn't want yo miss his breakfast time with me.

My chain of thoughts broke hearing hassle-bustle near the elevator area. My eared pricked hearing the dig of the elevator. All the guards were crowding that zone so I was unable to see what was happening. Kero burst inside and rushed towards Manik's room. I have never seen him so boggled up before.

Another ding of the elevator could my attention and I saw him. He quickly managed to gain his composure seeing me but before he could mask it I saw him wobble a bit and then I saw blood on his shoulders. My heart skipped a bit looking at so much blood on him. I felt funny inside my tummy. My legs wanted to move and go to him but by mind protested. 'Why are you so concerned for him', my mind asked. 'Because you have started to care for him', my heart replied. Why do I care? He is my enemy after all who have abducted me and is holding me against my will for so many days. Yet a tiny frown of concern etched across my forehead.

He walked straight inside his room and banged the door close as if on my face. After a minute or so, Kero came out and explained other men what to do. I think I heard my brother's name.

I walked towards his room but was stopped by Kero. "You wouldn't want to meet him now", his eyes pierced as he tried to scare me away. Well a man like Kero can never intimidate me but his boss is something else.

"Oh you are so wrong pretty boy, I would want to meet him NOW and let me decide whether it's a good or a bad idea myself?" I told him in a definitive tone.

"He is hurt and is not in a mood. Your brother has already damaged his sympathy towards you today. Don't tell me later that I didn't warn you."

"My brother did that to him?" I questioned not being able to believe.

His groan echoed thought the walls of his room and I couldn't control anymore.

I opened the door and went straight to him. The bullet on the floor and the knife in his hands and this white shoulder filled with blood gave me the clear idea that he has just took out that bullet from his shoulder. I went inside the washroom to get the first aid kit when he stopped me.

"Stop there right away miss Murthy", his eyes were blood shot red. I was beyond scared to go close to him but I didn't stop myself. The amount of blood that was oozing out was unnatural. And knowing him he would not go to any hospital to tend his wound.

"Manik...", he cut me off

"Mr. Raizada is good. I don't approve you calling me by my first name".

"Fine, Mr Raizada but if you don't let me tend you, you might die out of blood loss".

"Why do you care?" he narrowed his eyes. "You brother is trying to kill and you being the enemy's sister you are trying to heal me? Is this some kind of joke? Just get los from this room before I through you out myself." He got up from his bed and wobbled when I caught him by his hands.

He brushed of my hand rudely and pinned me with his stare. "Listen little wax doll, this..." he pointed me with his fingers, "stop playing nurse and patient with me. I am not your chocolate boy who will go all mushy for this gesture of yours."

"You are a mob doesn't mean you stop caring. You are forgetting that you are a human first and every person needs care. For your kind information I have no interest in playing patient and nurse with you. I am paying you back because you have saved my life once. I am equaling our score so that you don't go around telling I should be indebted to you for saving my life." I lied. I honestly wasn't about to look at his state. Blame my hormones that he has activated with his mere kiss. Looks like my words got him.

He held my hand and pulled me towards him, we both tumbled on the bed. He held my arms above my head caging me with this body, locking my legs with his. "Don't do this Nandini", he spat and I would only focus on his lips as those words came from his mouth.


She is so innocent that she doesn't know why I am trying to exit her from the room. I have no control today. Not seeing her for 4 days has worsened this situation. The more I see her the more craving I have. I want her, badly. But I can't have her. She is forbidden. She is enemy's sister. Yet I am here pinning her up crossing all my limits, keeping aside all the hatred that I have for her and her family.

Kissing her was a mistake and now this.... is going to be a blunder which I realized that I am ready to commit.

She was looking up at me like a deer caught in a headlight yet her eyes were pleading to finish what I have left incomplete. I wish she wasn't here today. I wish I had enough control over my now growing desire. She is aware of it because she sucked her breath in. Hope and excitement danced in her eyes and she laced her fingers with mine.

"I don't want to do this with you Nandini", her hurt was evident the way she looked down unable to meet my gaze. I wanted to tell her that she is more than desirable by far the most innocent I have even slept with but I stopped myself. The women I sleep with they knew from before what they were getting into but this woman is clearly naïve and has a bad experience in this matter. "But I wont lie to you by pretending that I don't want you. But you should know that this is one off. Hearts and flowers are not style. I take want I want. If you are willing to give then you should know I would just do this once. There is still time for you to back off. You wont be able to stop me after you say yes. And listen Nandini; I am not a polite man when it comes to this. I demand. Requesting is not in my blood.

"I want to do this. I want to do it with you. I know what I am signing here. Just make me forget my past. It wouldn't be as bad as that at least."

I hated that she was comparing this with that disgusting incident. But right now I am not going to indulge myself in her fucked up past. When her brother told me how my girlfriend slept with him I oddly didn't feel anything but this is definitely not the repercussion of that. I wanted Nandini the moment I kissed her which was way before I came to know that my girlfriend cheated on me.

I closed the distance between us and showed her the ecstasy. She had burst beautifully in my arms taking me to the level that I have never reached before. Her innocent touches constantly reminding me of the vulnerability of this woman yet she was with me all the time without going to her trance state like before. I almost forgot about the wound, the pain, the dishonesty of my girlfriend and burst along with her with and found mine. This is going to be bad. Very bad and I can sense it as she slept on my arms not giving a hoot to the situation.

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