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Afsana's POV

The dagger felt awkward and hard in my hands, my arms bent under the weight but I continued to drive it into the wooden door. The door pushed open a crack and I forced myself through it breathing heavily. The soles of my feet burned as I ran down the corridors, peering into each room. I stopped at the last room, Sikkandar sat on the floor with his head down, the bowl of food before him untouched. His hands covered his face as he shook uncontrollably with the sobs that racked his body.

I ran and snatched him up, peppering kisses all over his face. The old woman reached for him 'Get away you crone! No one has a right to my son except me' she backed away.

I held him tightly afraid this was all a dream and he would disappear. 

'Monsters are real Sikkandar, the monster wears luxurious dark robes, a regal turban and the best of perfumes. He has the most beautiful face and eyes as dark as the night and a cunning mind. He takes pride in destroying the lives of others and plots all day to take from people what they love best.'

He blinked in confusion, Ziraar stared back at me from his eyes, how similar he was to his father and how different. Sikkandar's eyes held none of the arrogance and cruelty that Ziraar's eyes portrayed, they were full of innocence and beauty.

'Oh how touching ...'

I jumped at the voice, he stood at the foot of the bed 'How could you do this to your own child?'

Ziraar yawned uninterested 'what have I done? Sikkandar lives in a palace, he eats the best of foods and wears the finest of fabrics, he has everything every child wants'

'Every child wants his mother. Why would you deprive your own blood of that?'

He was silent for a long while before speaking 'You can take Sikkandar and go to your father's house'

'Why would you just give it all up?'

He settled on the chest and leaned back 'Because I overestimated its value'

'The value of what?'


The confession made my heart ache 'You can take your son I will have many more sons. Pure pukhtun children'

'What do you mean Ziraar?'

'I've decided to marry Jae, she is a pukhtun unlike you and I will not have to fear her leaving me. My wedding will take place tomorrow and you are invited'

I felt as though my blood had turned to ice, he wore a triumphant smile.

'You wouldn't Ziraar'

'You know I would do it in the blink of an eye'

Sikkandar's little hands patted my face in the darkness but I could not take consolation from them. Ziraar did not need me anymore, he would find companion ship with Jae and she would not be inferior to him, they would be perfect. I thought like a child, maybe if I didn't close my eyes tonight, tomorrow would never come. How he hated Persian poetry but this was a moment of expression.

And the night reminded me
The promises the day had made me were so much more than they seemed
Maybe if I did not close my eyes tonight
Everything would not be stolen by time
So I closed my eyes and dreamed of ancient yesterday
When I was not lead astray by what I thought I wanted
Defeated by his alluring words
It drives me insane the way things end
So swiftly, so quickly forgotten
Everything fades away, even in dreams
People are not poetry, people are temporary...

The scent of cardamoms invaded my senses and a single lone tear escaped from its prison behind my lashes ...

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