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All rights go to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 2- August


Yesterday was Harry's birthday, so I sent him a letter, along with the cake I made. When I asked him how he was doing, he seemed to be bored, which is very likely, seeing as he doesn't get to do much of anything, due to the cruelness of the Dursley's. Since discovering his godfather, Sirius Black, Harry does seem a bit happier. I heard from Ron that Harry and I might be able to attend the Quidditch World Cup. I'm not much of a Quidditch fan, but I'll do anything to hang out with my friends. I can't wait to see them.


I'm going to the Quidditch World Cup, with Harry, Ron, and all the other Weasley's, of course. Ron's dad easily got us tickets, since he works at the Ministry. I'm leaving this afternoon, so I should probably pack my bag. I don't want to be late to see my friends.


It's Sunday night and Harry just arrived right before dinner, which was absolutely delicious. Ron really is lucky to have such a good cook in the house. Anyway, it seems that Fred and George are in trouble with their mum again about their wanting to start a joke shop, once they leave Hogwarts. Well, I should probably go to bed, since we're waking up very early in the morning tomorrow for the World Cup.


The Quidditch World Cup was very interesting. First, we had to take a portkey to the stadium, since we couldn't apparate there, and it was too far to walk. I laughed a little when I had to show Mr. Weasley how to start the campfire. When we were in the gift tent, Harry bought both Ron and I a pair of omnioculars. Then, I got suspicious when a house-elf was sitting alone in the box with us. When we asked her what she was doing up here, she said that she was saving a seat for her master, even though she was terribly afraid of heights. I just find it...... odd. When the Quidditch World Cup began, everyone was making such a huge fuss over some guy named Viktor Krum. I admit, he was a bit cute, but still....... I'm not obsessive over him, like his fan girls. Anyway, the unexpected event of the night was after the World Cup ended and we were celebrating the victory; Death Eaters. They were catching tents on fire, shooting spells everywhere, and even levitating some of the muggles. It was horrible, not to mention terrifying. To add to the chaos, people were running around, trying and hoping to escape the madness. Harry, Ron, and I went into a neighboring forest, just as Mr. Weasley had commanded us to do. To make matters worse, and more suspicious, we saw Malfoy there too. He couldn't resist the temptation to call me a Mudblood, of course, as well as other insults. However, we soon were distracted by an emerald glitter in the sky. It was the Dark Mark. As we desperately tried to escape the scene, twenty figures apparated all around us, forming a circle. They questioned us, then the house-elf that they found unconscious in the nearby bushes. I immediately recognized it as the same one that was sitting alone near us at the Quidditch World Cup. The poor creature seemed frightened, claiming that she didn't do it, even though she was found with a wand in her hand. Seconds later, Harry recognized the wand as his own, which had been missing only moments before. Eventually, we all trudged back to the tent, to get some sleep before we had to leave out the next day. Mrs. Weasley was so glad to see us, I thought her hug would never end. Well, I should probably pack now, since we are leaving out to return to Hogwarts in exactly nine days.

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