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Yesterday, during Potions, the Slytherin's showed us an article in Witch Weekly that had appeared in the newspaper that morning. Very untrue, it talked about the love triangle between Viktor, Harry, and I. The article was written, of course, by Rita Skeeter, the same woman that wrote the article on Hagrid. Unfortunately, Snape discovered the

magazine and read it aloud to the rest of the class, mainly Slytherin's. My face went red, and I was too embarrassed to notice if Harry's was also. Ever since the end of the Second Task, I have been called "the thing Krum would miss the most", since he rescued me. It's been getting quite annoying. Ron is also making up stories of when we were underwater during the Second Task. He claims that he struggled for his life, before the merpeople knocked him unconscious and tied him up. I really think he is enjoying all this attention. Anyway, we went to Hogsmeade today and visited Sirius, who is now hiding out in a cave on the outskirts of the village. We gave him some chicken and bread, and talked with him about the location of Barty Crouch, Winky, the night of the Quidditch World Cup, Mad-Eye Moody, and other subjects. After about an hour or two, we said our good-byes, and left to head back to the magnificent castle. Tomorrow, we're going to visit the house-elves; or at least I plan to.


I was right. After breakfast this morning, we walked quietly down the corridors leading to the kitchen. Inside, we greeted Dobby. During my quick, yet thorough scan of the room, I noticed that someone was missing; Winky. I asked Dobby where she was, and his expression turned somber as he pointed to a lump on a stool. That 'lump' was obviously Winky, who was hiccuping uncontrollably, most likely due to the empty butterbeer bottle in her bony hands. Suddenly, looking as if he had an idea, Harry went over to talk to Winky. They were talking about Mr. Crouch, Winky's old master, from what I could hear. As we continued to talk, the more stubborn and protective she was with the secrets of her master. Then, unexpectedly, she slid off the stool; she was so drunk, she fell asleep. The others house-elves came running forward once more. With disgusted looks, they covered Winky up with a tablecloth. As I watched in surprise, one elf told us that they were sorry we had to witness such a scene, and to please not judge them all according to Winky. I shook my head, surprised at their behavior, and told them that they needed to cheer her up instead of covering her up. The conversation between the elves and I ended soon after my voice began to rise, due to the fact that I was extremely confused, shocked, and angry with their persistent stubbornness. It become strangely quiet for only a second, before a house-elf hurried up to Harry's side with the food he had asked for earlier. Quickly saying their goodbye's, they pressed their tiny, bony hands up against our backs and pushed us out of the kitchen. As we walked back to the common room, Ron argued with me, saying that we could've gotten more information from them if I hadn't yelled at them and told them to be free. I shot back that all he wanted to go in there for was the food. Quickly, Ron spluttered out an excuse, not wanting to let me win this conversation. Fiercely and determinedly, I fought back. I think Harry was quite annoyed by all this, but I would apologize to him later. After several shouts later, I won, of course. I think he needs to get some more comebacks before he wants to argue with me again. But to be truthful, I think we both enjoy yelling at each other. For some odd reason, yelling at the person you love makes you feel a lot better, unless you lose, like Ron. But there's always a next time. I'll be ready.


All this past week, I have been receiving anonymous letters from Harry's angry fan girl. But I think I know exactly who it is. It began on Monday during breakfast in the Great Hall. I had just briefly informed Ron and Harry of my decision to take out a subscription of the Daily Prophet. Seconds later, a gray owl came rushing into view, with six other owls following in his wake. Very surprised, I opened each letter, finding similar messages inside. "Harry Potter deserves better than the likes of you. Go back where you came from muggle." As I opened the last envelope, a slimy oozing pus flowed out. It reacted quickly, transforming the skin on my hands into big blistering boils. I cried out in pain, before running out of the Great Hall and to the Hospital Wing. Luckily, Madam Pomfrey had dealt with this sort of thing before, so it didn't take too long. While waiting in the Hospital Wing, I thought about who would do such a thing. The answer, however, came much quicker than I thought. It was the same person who had written the recent article about Viktor, Harry, and I; Rita Skeeter. I clenched my fists in anger, or at least what I could, since they were still a bit bubbly. Rita Skeeter's going to pay for this, I thought. I'm going to find her, even if it's the last thing I do.


The lyrics below have nothing really to do with this chapter. I just thought that the song related to the whole book, and so I had to fit it in somewhere. These are Ron's true feelings about Hermione, I think.

Fall For You- Secondhand Serenade

The best thing 'bout tonight's that we're not fighting

Could it be that we have been this way before?

I know you don't think that I am trying

I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath

Because tonight will be the night

That I will fall for you over again

Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day

I swear it's true

Because a girl like you is impossible to find

You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended

I always swore to you I'd never fall apart

You always thought that I was stronger

I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start

Oh, but hold your breath

Because tonight will be the night

That I will fall for you over again

Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day

I swear it's true

Because a girl like you is impossible to find

It's impossible

So breathe in so deep

Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep

And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap

And remember me tonight when you're asleep

Because tonight will be the night

That I will fall for you over again

Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day

I swear it's true

Because a girl like you is impossible to find

Tonight will be the night

That I will fall for you over again

Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day

I swear it's true

Because a girl like you is impossible to find

You're impossible to find

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