Chapter 1 - coming home

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It was over. It was finally over. After escaping singularity and shared laugh between the crew, it was finally over. She turned her chair towards Spock. He was already looking at her and he nodded approvingly.

For the first time in forever, she felt satisfaction. Sure, she was happy when she beat Spock's infamous Kobayashi Marue, but this... This was different. Something new entirely.

The last time she felt this satisfied with herself was when she drew her father's antique car off that cliff when she was thirteen, back in Iowa. That asshole Frank,tried to sell it.

Jim wouldn't have any of that.

So she took the keys she found when she 'washed' the car and then she took the car for a spin. Few moments before the car went off a cliff, she considered going with it too. She wanted it to end. She wanted everything to end. But then it hit her.

She is James T. Kirk. She doesn't surrender. Destiny can kiss her in the ass. Fate be damned. She makes her own future. She writes her own destiny.

No. Jim doesn't give up.

She turned the wheel on the side, opened the door and then... she jumped.

It seemed she wasn't going to make it. But she held tight. It was her own stubbornness that wouldn't let her die. When the police got her to the door, she held her head high. Even after Frank beat her up, she still held her head high. She was satisfied.

She felt pride the day after that bar fight in Iowa. When she boarded that shuttle. The boys she beat up last night were looking at her with disgust.

She was pretty beat up too. She had bruises all over her face, stomach and ribs. But she didn't care. The boys were all beat up too. And she was the only one that fought them. There were six of them.

Of course, Uhura yelled at them to stop. But she definitely wasn't trying to help either. It actually started because of Uhura.

You see, Jim isn't a picky person. And she loved sex. You combine those two and you have a disaster called Jim. She tried to pick Uhura up. Uhura, of course, when she saw Jim's tall self with blond hair and boobs automatically thought that she was dumb. When Jim proved her wrong she just smiled and told her that she was impressed and that she thought she was "just a dumb hick that only had sex with farm animals", to which Jim, quite smartly (note the sarcasm), answered "not only".

And then a hell break loose.

After she provoked the guy, (that started first, thank you very much) that she called Cupcake, into hitting her, Jim fought back. Fuck it. He hit her. And now she's fighting back. At the end she ended up with bloody nose, thrown over a table with a bruised ribs, her head hanging off of the same table she was thrown over.

And then Pike came in. He stopped the fight. Since she was tipsy, bruised, beat up, and her ego wounded, the only thing she could say was "You can whistle really loud, you know that?"

The next thing she knew, she was riding her bike to where Pike told her that night. That sly fuck. He knew she would come. He dared her. He was sure she would come. And he was right because she was here.

"Four years? I'll do it in three."

And then she hit her head on the railing because she is so damn tall. And because she didn't look where she was going.

Uhura was there. And so were the boys she had a fight with last night. And then there was Bones. Oh boy. Where to start.

"I might throw up on you."

It was the first thing he said to her. He had a fear of flying. Hell, he probably still has it. But the moment she met him, she knew. She knew he would become her best friend. She just knew.

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