chapter 4 - a perfect life

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Jim didn't want to let go.

She still had one of her hands in his hair and the other one was still underneath the collar of his science blue uniform and it was drawing small circles there.

Spock didn't want to let go either.

His hands were still on her bare hip bones and even tho he stoped moving them over her skin, he had no desire to remove them either.

Their faces were still close and they were breathing rapidly.

The doorbell rang for the second time in the last minute.

Spock awkwardly cleared his throat and slowly removed his hands from Jim's hips. This wasn't right. He had a girlfriend. He shouldn't be doing this no matter how good it felt.

He brought his hands up and slid them over Jim's arms, that were still resting on the back of his neck, until they reached her hands. Once there he grasped them and removed them slowly, almost afraid of her reaction. Luckily she didn't protest. Because he had no idea what he would do if she did.

Jim watched him while he removed her arms from his neck. She didn't protest. She had no right to do so. He had a girlfriend. They shouldn't be doing this. She just stood there, breathing heavily, starring in his eyes that were basically screaming that this was the last thing he wanted to do.

What shook her out of her trance was a loud banging at door and a gruff voice of her best friend aka Bones could be heard from the other side of the door.

"Spock, damn it! Open up! I can't find Jim!"

Spock slowly stepped away from her and made his way to the door where he proceeded to unlock them. A disheveled form of her best friend stood on the other side and he was breathing heavily, almost as if he ran all the way here.

"Thank god you're here. I can't find Jim. Sulu told me she went with you to give a report to Archer, but now I can't find her anywhere. She is not in her dorm and Sulu also told me she might be injured."

"Doctor McCoy, calm down. Jim is here."

As to prove a point, he took one step aside and revealed Jim who's appearance was hidden by his board shoulders.

McCoy's eyes turned as wide as saucers when he took in her appearance. His eyes traveled from Jim to Spock and then back.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Jim and Spock shared a glance and then they both said,


Jim's answer was a bit more forceful. McCoy looked at her suspiciously, but chose no to comment on it. Jim was grateful for that.

Bones pushed passed Spock and entered his quarters. Spock made a slight sound of disapproval but let him get away with it.

Once he was inside McCoy went straight forward to Jim, took her arm and sat her on Spock's couch. She didn't protest.

When Jim was seated on Spock's couch, McCoy took out his medical scanner and scanned her from top to bottom. The only things he found were an elevated heart rate and bruised ribs.

"Why are you here anyway? There's nothing wrong with your quarters."

Jim looked at Spock briefly, but then quickly turned her gaze towards her best friend.

"I had a roommate."

Bones looked at her sympathetically.

"You could have come to my place."

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