chapter 5 - drinking the problems away

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Jim made it to her room where she stripped down naked, took a shower, brushed her teeth, dried herself, put on a sexy lacy lingerie and a sexy black dress and applied a bit of foundation, bit of blush, bit of mascara and a bit of lipstick. She added some accessories, did her hair and put on a pair of sexy black pumps. She looked in the mirror and gave herself a thumbs up and she was out the door.

People in the streets gave her a confused glances. I mean you would do the same thing if you saw a girl with proportions of a supermodel walking around town dressed for a night out at 9 a.m.

Jim paid them no mind and instead of giving them glares, she gave each and every one of them a flirty wave and a wink. She simply didn't care. Uhura said she has a perfect life. Well, if she didn't have it till now, she is about to have it from now.

In reality, Jim solved her problems with fighting, fucking or drinking. Sometimes all three at once. Right now she wanted to drink and if she finds a nice guy or a hot girl, well it's a bonus.

She walked to the nearest bar, which was about two miles away. When she entered she was pleasantly surprised to see that she wasn't the only one that needed to drink her problems away. They were not dressed as fancy as her. A lot of them had a Starfleet insignia on their chests and they were mostly cadets.

When Jim entered all eyes turned to look at her. Jim could hear the whispers. Many of them recognized her.

"Is that Capitan Kirk?"

"Oh my god, what is she doing here?"

"That's the daughter of famous George Kirk."

"Why is she dressed like that at 9:30 a.m.?"

Jim ignored all the whispers and went straight to the bar. She waved to the bartender and he made his way over to her.

"What can I get you?"

"Give me the strongest thing you've got."

The bartender nodded and went to get her a drink. In the meantime she ran her eyes over the small crowd and spotted a group of people that weren't from Starfleet. They weren't wearing a uniform and they weren't paying attention to her. Jim smirked. Perfect.

The bartender gave her her drink and she responded,

"Keep 'em coming."

Jim took her drink and made her way over to a small group of people.

"Hey, can I join you?"

At the sound of her voice every member of the group looked up. Men were gaping while the girls were happy to add another female to their group, even tho they already dominated when it came to the number.

"Sure, have a seat."

"Thanks, my name is James, but you can call me Jim."

When she said what's her name, most of them looked puzzled but before any of them could ask her about it she gave them answer.

"My parents thought they were having a boy and they decided to stick with it."

Well, it wasn't a complete lie.

The girls introduced themselves, but boys needed a bit more motivation because they were still gaping openly at Jim. So they sat and talked for at least six hours. Around 4 p.m. Jim was almost noticeably drunk. She had so many drinks she couldn't even count. They were all laughing and telling their life stories. Then it was Jim's turn.

"What about you Jim?"

This question was asked by a brunette whose name Jim forgot.

"Well, today I was told that my life is perfect. I mean one of my colleagues told me that. Now I'm not sure if she's right, but, here it goes."

I AM JIM - Spock/Kirk StoryWhere stories live. Discover now