chapter 7 - well, that escalated quickly

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Jim was shocked. So shocked in fact that she forgot how to even kiss back. She just stood there, pressed up against the cold brick wall of the Starfleet Academy building. She was motionless. Limp. In fact, had Spock not been holding her around her waist, she would have fallen over, for sure. Million thoughts run through her head at that moment. The main one being how wrong this was. Here he was kissing her, whereas he already had a girlfriend.

Somewhere In between her rushed thoughts, she found herself kissing Spock back. It took some time, but there she was. Kissing her possible first officer. And boy, did he know how to kiss.

Spock pressed his palm right on Jim's back, effectively pulling her closer. She gasped when their chests and lower body parts connected and Spock took that opportunity to slide his tongue in Jim's warm welcoming mouth.

They stood there, in the shadows of the building, feverishly kissing each other. It would have gone like that for a couple minutes more, had there not been this thing called oxygen. Jim, already light headed, slowly put her hands on Spock's chest and gently pushed. Spock took the hint and they both broke the kiss simultaneously.

They stood there both gaping for air like fish on a dry land. Jim was clutching Spock's tux in her sweaty hands and Spock pressed his hand even harder on her back to pull her even closer. He was gonna kiss her again but she stopped him.

"Wait, Spock. Wait. This... This isn't right.  You have a girlfriend. We... we really shouldn't be doing this." Jim managed in between gulps of air.

Spock, the bastard, seemed totally ok after their mini makeout session, whereas Jim looked as tho she just ran a fucking marathon.

"Lieutenant Uhura and I terminated out relationship earlier this day. That was the reason I was not present when you were presented with the title of a Capitan. I felt the sudden urge to meditate and to sort out these... feelings."

Jim stood there gaping like a motherfucking gold fish. They broke up. Today. He was single. Available.

Jim grinned like she had just won a lottery (well, in a certain way, she actually did) and tugged Spock's collar so she could kiss him again.

Spock took the hint and connected their lips together again.

He slipped his tongue directly in her mouth, apparently not in a mood to waste time. His hands made their way to the front of Jim's dress that had a huge slit running almost to her underwear and parted her dress so that he could place his wandering hands on the back of Jim's thighs.

He grasped the back of her thighs in his large hands and in one smooth movement he had her legs warped tightly around his waist.

Jim gasped when he lifted her up and she had no choice but to warp her long legs around his narrow waist. At the same time she warped her arms around his neck and her hands automatically found it's way to his silky locks. She tugged a bit on his bangs making him tilt his head a bit higher so she now had a better angle when kissing him. She almost laughed in his mouth when she felt his arousal poking her in the backside, but all that came out of her mouth were incoherent sounds that Spock managed to swallow with his kisses.

Meanwhile, his hands were mapping her thighs, the same way he would map his star charts on a starship. Her skin was so smooth and so soft, but at the same time she had some very defined muscles that gave it certain amount of strength and roughness. Her heel were digging into his butt and her hands were tugging on his hair, so he had no choice but to comply and tilt his head upwards so that he could kiss her better.

Through their light bond that was established by skin to skin contact, he could feel her amusement and a slight shock when she felt his arousal, hot and heavy underneath her backside. Her amusement spiked and Spock was shook with a wave of her own arousal, so strong that he could almost smell it. Even through her underwear and his own two layers of clothing he could feel the crotch of her panties dampening.

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