Meeting the Avengers

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I lay in the cold, pouring rain, on a bench in Upstate New York. My rain-soaked clothes stuck to me as I sat up. I groaned, knowing I didn't have enough money for new clothes. I mentally cursed myself for buying a salad the day before, I shouldn't have wasted my money. Besides, I was getting fat. I pinched my thighs, the fat on them grossed me out. I immediately got up and started to run. I ran to a nearby park and did laps around there. 

Smiling, I noted down how many calories I had burned in my journal. People say I'm crazy for calorie counting. I say I'm in control. By the time I had finished my run it had stopped raining and started to clear up. I took off my leather jacket to get to my hoodie and rung that out. Then I took out my fishtails and rung out my long, blonde hair. I sighed. I had nothing to do, I was alone. Alone on a cold, miserable day in Upstate New York.

Since I ran away from home I was always alone. Always skulking in the shadows, hiding. Always searching for a place to sleep. Searching for food, for money. Suddenly I heard a voice. 

"I like your jacket." They said. 

The voice sounded familiar, my head jerked up. It was none other than Tony Stark. 

"T-thanks," I replied. He frowned. 

"Shouldn't you be at school?" He inquired. "It is Wednesday after all." I looked at the floor, kicking a stone. 

"I don't go to school, sir. They'll tell my Mum where I am." I mumbled. Tony looked confused. 

"Why is that such a bad thing?" I stayed silent. He knelt down to my level. "Do you have a house?" I shook my head. 

"I ran away. Three months ago." I confessed. I didn't quite know why I was telling him all this personal information, but he seemed like someone I could trust, he had a calm nature with me, unlike how he seemed when I'd seen him on TV. Tony put his hand on my shoulder. I tensed at first but then relaxed. 

"Why?" I took a deep breath. 

"My Mum, she used to hit me. She was an alcoholic. She used to make me do the chores, and if they weren't done right she'd beat me." I explained. For some reason I felt comfortable telling this man my life story, he just had a calming effect on me.  Tony stood up. 

"C'mon." He said, helping me up. "You're coming with me." I stumbled, confused. 

"Where?" I asked, my body panic-ridden. 

"To the avengers' facility."

Tony's P.O.V

I looked down at the teen walking next to me. She looked thin as if she hadn't eaten in a while. Whether that was just because she had been living on the streets, I'm not sure. 

"Mr Stark?" She piped up. 

"Please, call me Tony." I insisted. 

"Okay. Tony? Are you going to experiment on me?" I was taken aback. 

"Experiment on you? Why would you think that?" The girl looked at the ground. 

"I don't know. I just, why else would you want me?" She asked. I stopped, looking at her in the eyes. 

"I want to keep you safe." She smiled. "What's your name by the way?" I realised I didn't know her name. 

"Violet. Violet Freeman."

We arrived at the Avengers facility. I turned to Violet. 

"Right, you're going to enter here and there's going to be a lot of people okay?" I warned. She nodded. I pushed open the door, walking in. Violet looked around, she looked astonished. I smiled, leading her to the kitchen. 

Trust me, it's not ~ Adopted by Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now