Wade's persuasion skills

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It had been nearly two months since my little... incident and it was almost like nothing had even happened. We didn't talk about it, and yet I could still see that everyone looked at me differently.

But at this point, I didn't care. If was going to destroy HYDRA, I needed to get stronger, to change. 

And I didn't care if that change seemed to be a bad one, because in my mind any change was for the better. Because any change was for Deya.

Already though, the change was going in a bad way. I was having aggressive outbursts, I wasn't sleeping, all my time and energy was focused on complete and utter revenge. And even though I knew I killed the man that killed her and the man who ordered the attack, it still wasn't enough. It could never be enough.

And that was the thing that was driving me crazy, I could do anything and everything but,  nothing would bring her back, nothing could heal that hole deep in my soul. Nothing. 

Mostly I was could be found in the gym training or researching HYDRA. Obviously, the others were worried about me, but they were scared of interrupting me. The last time someone had tried to interrupt one of my extreme sessions, they ended up in the middle of Antarctica. No one was going to make a mistake like that again. 

I was currently in the gym, but I was cooling down so people knew that it was safe to come and talk to me. 

I heard the door creak open and I rolled my eyes. 

"What do you want?"

A sigh came from the door. "Squirt, you need to get some sort of rest, even Korey's getting worried about you." My eyes wandered towards Korey. He was flopped out on the floor, looking up at me. At this point, he'd given up on alerting me unless it was something severe like an incoming attack or episode. For a moment I felt bad, but I shook away the feeling. 

"He has a ball."

Dad sighed again. "That's not the point Vi. I- you need to get out of the house, to distract yourself. Focus on something else for a while maybe." 

 "The only thing I need to focus on is revenge."

"You've had your revenge, you killed both the people responsible for her death, is that not enough? If you want to focus on HYDRA you should focus on the person who's been killing all the other HYDRA soldiers, the one who we started trying to track down months ago." 

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT HIM!" I snapped. Dad flinched slightly. "I just care about her,"

Dad gripped the bridge of his nose. "Look squirt, I get that but you really need to calm down. I love you baby, but you're overreacting. Please, please just do this for me. I'm worried about you and all I ask is that you come out for a walk with a few of us. It won't be everyone, just me, dad 2, Nat and Wanda." 

I rolled my eyes and continued with what I was doing before I was rudely interrupted. 

"Please, for me." 

I could hear the struggle and pain in Dad's voice, and the fact that he called Stephen Dad 2 was bringing back that nostalgia and happy memories. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.  


"Thank you, Vi." 




I trudged through the mud. Dad had taken the most of me agreeing to go out and had dragged me out to a national park.

"I hope you're willing to give Korey a bath after this Dad, he's filthy."  I sassed. 

"Yeah well, at least I got you out squirt."

I groaned, dragging my feet. The mud was deep and Korey was struggling to lift his legs. I wasn't exactly enjoying my time out, but that tiny part of me saw how happy Dad was that I was out and it made this trip worthwhile.

Nat slowed down for a moment so that I was at the same speed as her. I continued walking. 

"I know you can see me, Vi" I stayed silent. 

Nat sighed. 

"Fine, you don't have to say anything but I'm going to have a conversation with you." 

"Look, Vi. I love you and I'm worried about you. You're changing. And not in a good way. I know you think you need to completely destroy HYDRA and get your ultimate revenge, but darling you really don't. We're working on HYDRA anyway, you don't need to be on the edge of completely exhausting yourself from doing extra research, nothing is going to bring her back Vi, you know that." 

I stopped in my tracks and looked Nat straight in the eyes. 

"You have no idea what it's like to lose someone you're that close to. No idea. I am simply doing my job, unlike you guys who are taking your time to wander around stupid parks looking at stupid nature. I am the only one around here who actually bothers to get any work done." I hissed, venom dripping from my words. 

Nat was speechless. 


Everyone stopped to look at me. 

I groaned. 

"I'm going to Wade's," I said, making a portal. 




"You have to understand that they're not trying to be vicious when they say these things Violet, they're just worried about you. And I mean, they've got a point sweet, you are exhausting yourself to no ends for revenge you know is pointless. Half of HYDRA is dying already due to this guy you know absolutely nothing about. You've killed both the people responsible for her death darling, you need to calm down. Just stick the rest of the towers routine. In fact, I could come and stay with you."

I thought about it for a while. "I mean, I would love you to come and stay, but I don't think Dad would be very happy."

"Screw what your Dad thinks, this is about your mental health and wellbeing, not whether or not your Dad likes me."

"I could move in with you."

"I think your Dad would be even less happy about that."

"As you said, it's not about him."




"You can't just move in with Wade."

"At least I won't be focusing on HYDRA."

"That's not the point, I'm your legal guardian, you live under my roof."

"I'm allowed to move out if I want, I'm old enough to. Plus, Wade is an adult and he can take care of me. Rose can look after me and update you as well. I'll be fine Dad, seriously. Just, trust me, it's for my own good."

Dad sighed. "I guess so."

Trust me, it's not ~ Adopted by Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now