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Dad had made a simulation for training. It was like virtual reality but loads better. It was to help us with fighting, it was like I was actually on a mission and there was actually people shooting at me. I dodged a bullet and watched it fly past my shoulder. It hit a window and smashed. Then it felt like a switch flicked in my brain. That sound of glass smashing triggered those memories, the ones I'd successfully locked away. 

I dropped to the ground, the simulation shutting down around me. 

Tony's P.O.V

I was watching Violet on the CCTV,  I didn't want to go into the room with her and ruin the simulation, but I wanted to see how she was coping with it. Suddenly she stops and drops to the ground.  I shot up, rushing to the simulation room. I knew I should have made her take Korey with her, but she was worried he'd end up getting injured and that would mean more trouble in the long term for Violet than if something happened in there, something like this. I whistled for Korey, signalling for him to follow me. He immediately understood and became alert and ready. 

I entered the simulation room. Violet was curled up, rocking and murmuring something. 

"Don't hurt me, I did nothing wrong. Don't hurt me." She repeated. As soon as Korey spotted her, he rushed over, pushing himself under her arms and trying to comfort her. I slowly approached her, placing my hand on her shoulder.


She immediately flinches and her murmurs crescendoed until they were shouts. Her breath was fast and her heart rate was faster. I simply wrapped my arms around her, as Korey and I tried to soothe her. I shooshed her and Korey attempted some dpt. 

"We'll get through this, we'll get through this," I reassured her. There wasn't much I could do apart from that. Just sit with her and reassure her until she came out the other side. 

After around 3 minutes of just sitting with violet, her breathing finally settled and Rose informed me that her heart rate was back to normal. She sighed and I let go of her so she could wriggle round to face me. 

"Are you okay?" I questioned. I obviously knew she wasn't but I just needed to try and bring her back to reality and have a little chat with her. She shook her head.

"I don't know what happened. I've been doing so well with flashbacks and stuff lately but something just clicked in my brain. I don't understand." She explained. 

I hugged her, rubbing soothing circles on her back. 

"It's okay. We'll figure this out okay? We will." I sighed. "I promise. I will always be here for you." I will always be there for everyone in my family. That was one thing I pushed. I wouldn't end up like my father. I couldn't.

Violet nodded. I pushed her hair behind her ears and wiped away her tears. "I love you squish, okay? Never forget that." 

"I love you too Dad." 


Violet's P.O.V

I had been very iffy and on edge ever since the incident in the training room. I'd been thinking about the HYDRA soldier as well. We found out his name was Adrik. He was pretty high up on the ladder. He was the coordinator of his base and was close to working even further up the ranks before we captured him. But I guess with so many HYDRA soldiers slaughtered, it wasn't exactly hard to move up the ranks. 

I sat outside his cell, watching him. That had become a habit lately. Just sitting, staring. I don't know why, but I found it almost comforting watching him trapped in there with nothing but a bed, a toilet and a sink. Sure our rooms were lovely but our cells were the exact opposite. Bulletproof glass, soundproofed walls, no decoration. Just bland, boring, almost designed to make you go crazy.  I wouldn't like it. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being alone, in fact, I quite like it. It's being lonely that I can't stand. But I guess Adrik had me for company. I didn't talk to him and he didn't talk to me, but it was still someone to be with. 

But today that changed. 

"You know, I watched her die. On a big 70 inch HD screen. It was like watching a movie. Surround sound,  I could hear her screams echoing around the room."

I tried to ignore him. 

"I watched you attack her killer, watched you beat him. Strangle him."

"I DID WHAT I HAD TO!" I snapped. "You better watch your mouth or you'll be next Adrik." 

He smirked, chuckling and leaning back on his bed. "Woah there tiger, I'm just messing with you." He ran a knife under his nails, using it to pick out dirt. How he got that, I don't know. We confiscated any weapons when he came in. 

"Besides, it's not like it was even that bad. I could have killed your Dad. Or that Peter, you seem quite fond of him." 

"You touch either of them and I swear I will rip every single limb off your body and skin you alive." I hissed, venom dripping from my words. 

Adrik held up his hands in defence. 

"Relax kid, I can't do anything." He tried to reassure me, but I wasn't buying it. "Not in here anyway." He added under his breath.

I snapped my head towards him. 

"What did you say?" I knew full well what he said, but I wanted to be dramatic. He just laughed. I stood up, getting up against the glass,  my breath making clouds of condensation. "What did you say?" I pushed, my teeth gritted so that my words almost had to force themselves out. 

"Bite me." He spat. 

"Don't tempt me." 

"Like you would do anything." 

That was the last straw for me. I swiped up on the glass, bringing up the keypad to unlock the door. It was made so that Adrik couldn't see what I was typing, it didn't open from his side but we took every precaution. I typed in the code. 'Access denied'. I groaned. I knew it was the right code, I'd seen Dad and Nat use it before, so why wouldn't it work for me. 

"I'm sorry Violet, your father has told me to deny you access into Mr Adrik's cell." Came the voice of FRIDAY. I cursed under my breath, my Dad didn't trust me with anything. 

"Let me in, FRIDAY." I pushed. 

"But Violet, your father,"


The cell door opened and Adrik smiled at me. I glared at him. "If I hear those names ever leave your mouth again, I will cut out your stupid tongue so you can't say anything." I drawled. 

"You mean Peter? Your dad? They're nothing." Adrik jeered. 

I jabbed at him. I had no weapons, but I felt my strength would be enough alone. Adrik whipped out his knife, slashing across my jaw. I grabbed his arm, twisting it backwards and disarming him. I pointed the knife to his throat. 

"Say that again." I dared. 

"They're nothing but pathetic excuses for humans." 

I ran the blade down his neck. He winced. 


He laughed. "You're weak." He heaved. 

I let the knife travel down to his chest, applying pressure. Not enough to puncture, but enough to show I meant business. 

 "Do it." He coaxed. I hesitated. "DO IT!" 

I plunged the knife into his chest. Then again. And again. And again. And again until I lost count.

FRIDAY must have alerted Dad because the next thing I knew there was a banging of footsteps and I was being dragged away from Adrik's lifeless body. At first, I fought but eventually, I just gave in. I flopped into Steve's arms, Dad walking next to me. I let a few tears fall down my cheeks. 

What had I done?

Trust me, it's not ~ Adopted by Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now