The Questioning

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"What are you running from? What's chasing you?" Steve questioned the suspect. I wasn't allowed to help for obvious reasons but I was allowed to watch. 

"I-I don't know. I didn't see." 

I sighed, slamming the desk. 

"But I do know that lately, we have had rumours of an experiment gone wrong, one of the participants escaped and is trying to get his revenge," He admitted. Steve nodded, thanking him. He left the room and I  walked in after him. Steve gave me a confused look. This wasn't part of the plan but grief and anger were getting the better of me. I took a seat. I didn't want to scare him but I needed names. 

"So. the attack on here, on my home, my family. My Girlfriend." I pushed the emphasis on girlfriend. 

"Who ordered it?" I asked. He smirked. 

"You mean the one that got your girlfriend killed?" He gave a little chuckle. "You could have saved her you know. If only you'd made a portal. If only you'd thought." 

"It was you." 

He leant back in his chair, arms raised next to him. "The one and only." 

I threw back my chair and overturned the table. "Feisty." 

I pinned him to the wall. "WHY?" I screamed. He just laughed. I let go of him. He smiled. I made a portal pushing him through it. I could see Steve running in after me in the corner of my eye. We were in a forest. I used to come here with my Dad when I was a kid. Of course, I haven't been here in ages, it was just the first thing that came to my head. 

I pushed him on the ground, punching and kicking anything I could. The punches were so full of anger and just pure emotion that they weren't doing all that much apart from releasing that pent up craving for revenge. I suddenly felt arms on my shoulders, tugging me back. It was Steve.

"Leave him, Violet, it's not worth it." 

"He killed her." I spat. I was now in the air, Steve with his arms completely wrapped around me. I was still flailing punches and kicks. "He-he killed her." I slumped, starting to cry.  Steve took me back through the portal sitting me on the floor to cry while he went to retrieve the HYDRA soldier. 


We had decided to keep the soldier prisoner. It seemed like the smartest idea, that way I could watch him suffer, but I wouldn't have his blood on my hands. It satisfied my revenge craving enough that I was happy with the plan.

But right now we were decorating for Christmas. I had mixed feelings about Christmas, I can't really remember ever having a happy one. The closest I'd been to the good one was the one I spent on the streets and a couple of other people and I just got together and sang songs. That was nice. 

Now I'm going to have a great Christmas with my family. With lots of decorations and presents and food and just all together happy times. 

And I was excited. 

But, of course, there would still be a touch of sadness in the air. But now I'm just thinking that she would want me to be happy, to enjoy my life. And I can't go making her upset, can I? So I need to live my best life. For her. 

"Violet," A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Hm?" I replied, turning to the source. 

"We made everyone their own little bauble to go on the tree," Wanda explained, handing me mine. I still felt bad for shooting Wanda, but she'd forgiven me and her arm was healing well. It was violet (obviously) and it had a little painting of me on it. I smiled, finding a place for it. I decided in between Dad's and Peter's baubles was a good place. I smiled, taking a step back to admire the tree. Dad flew up to the top and placed on the star. I smiled. 

It was perfect. And so was my family. 


a/n I know this is a short one but I know people were asking for an update and I only had a few ideas. I promise the next one will be longer ;)

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