Wade's Place.

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"Thanks for letting me stay with you Wade."

Wade turned from the pancakes he was making.

"Hm?" He hummed. "Oh yeah, it's okay kiddo, any time. I'm just glad your Dad didn't threaten me too much." He laughed.

I smiled slightly. To be honest, Dad had really been getting on my nerves, I needed my space. This time with limited technology, no way to obsess over HYDRA and no Dad was going to be beneficial to me. And honestly, I couldn't think of anyone better to spend it with.

"Yeah, I was worried he'd go all killer on you, saying you're stealing me or some crap. But I think as long as he knows is going to be good for me, he doesn't really care what I do at this point." I admitted.

Wade nodded, before placing down pancakes in front of me. I gave him a nod of thanks.

"Shows he just wants what's best for you."

I cut off a piece of my pancake and lifted it to my lips before pausing.

"You know what, I don't really feel bad for everything that happened. I mean, yeah, I know some of what I did was a bit wrong, but that's your mind on grief. I was doing what I thought was right at the time. I was doing what I could to help me cope with her death. And now I've done that as much as I can, the best way to cope now is pancakes and red bull with you."

Wade smiled at me, ruffling my hair.

"I'm proud of ya kiddo."


I'd been staying with Wade for two weeks now and I decided it was time to go see my family at the compound. Besides, it was my birthday, and I think Nat might have killed me if I didn't spend it with everyone. Clint and Logan were coming as well, it was gonna be fun. 

We pulled up to the compound and I jumped out of the car, nodding hi to Happy as I walked in. Wade walked behind me as I half-jogged to the elevator, I couldn't lie, I had missed my family, especially Peter and Nat. Not that I have favourites or anything. 

I entered the living room and was greeted with cheering, confetti and a banner with large letters saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIOLET!". I smiled. My family are dorks. 

"We've missed ya squirt," Dad said, pulling me tight into a hug. I 

"I've missed you too, but you don't need to squeeze the life out of me." I heaved out. Dad let go, his face sorry. 


I chuckled, a soft low laugh that had appeared more and more since staying with Wade. A laugh that meant I was happy, a laugh that meant I was safe. 

And you could tell I was comfortable in the way that I playfully hit Thor as he swung me about. And you could tell that I was happy in the way I triumphantly cheered as the tumbling of Peter meant that I won twister. And you could tell that I was safe in the warm embrace of Logan, Korey wagging happily at my feet.  And you could see my smile wide, my eyes bright, my face aglow. And you could see that I was home.


Since that visit, two big things had happened. Number 1, I had moved back into the compound. Number 2, Wade and Logan had moved in as well. We felt that since I had got on so well staying with Wade, it might be helpful for him to live with us. I felt like Logan should tag along as well. 

 It was working really well so far, there'd been a couple of clashes between Wade and Dad and Logan and Dad, but that was expected. I was really happy for the first time since Deya died, to the point I was happier to talk about it, to talk about her

I was working through it in therapy again, somewhere I hadn't gone since Wakanda, and I was doing something else for the first time in years.

I was dancing. 

I was letting the music flow through my body and move me. 

I was letting myself feel free. 

And boy, had I missed it. 

That feeling of floating on air, the emptiness of my brain just letting myself relax. It was just heavenly. And I knew my heavenly angel of a girlfriend was watching me from Vallhalla, Thor had assured me she would be there. She died bravely in battle. Because though I may not have seen it, I know my girl was fighting back as much as she could. 



I don't usually do these but I just wanted to thank you all for being so great. I have gained a lot of readers recently and got lots of requests for updates, so I thought I'd just give you something short. 

I know I don't upload regularly and often, but I'd rather take my time and give you guys quality writing, then give you weekly crap. 

I really love and appreciate y'all.

Charlie :) <3

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