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I walked into the kitchen, greeting everyone. Clint had gone back home. Everyone greeted me back. I sat down next to Nat. "I heard that you're going to be on the same plan as me." She said. I nodded. 

"Dad thinks it would be good as it's still controlled and I'll have someone with me to help me and encourage me," I explained. Nat smiled.

"He's right." I looked down at the granola and yoghurt that had just been placed in front of me. Nat had the same but slightly smaller. Apparently, I had to have more than her because I was 'anorexic' and 'too ill'. I didn't believe that but I had to agree with what Dad said. Nat looked at me sympathetically. She could tell I was uncomfortable. She nudged me, pointing to the door with her head. We picked up our food. 

"We're going to eat in the living room." She announced.

We entered the spacious living room and sat down on the large couch. I twirled my spoon around in my bowl, taking a small bite. 

"You don't have to eat it all if you don't want to," Natasha said. I shook my head. 

"No, I will. I don't want to let Ton-Dad, down." I still hadn't got used to calling Tony Dad. Nat smiled. 

"I'm going to eat all of it, even if it takes me all day." Nat hugged me. 

"I'll be here the whole time." I smiled, eating another spoonful of Granola.


Twenty minutes later and I was in the lab, having eaten all my breakfast. I took a last sip of water, finishing my glass. Making sure no one was looking, I took out my journal and noted down what I had had so far. Granola: 377 calories. Yoghurt: 77 calories. Water: 0 calories. I closed my journal, hiding it again.

I turned back to watch what Dad was doing. Since Steve had forbidden him from making me a suit, which I was pretty sure he'd ignore anyway, he decided to make me a super high tech watch. He had started on it yesterday and it was almost finished. I smiled as he poked out his tongue in concentration. He placed a small tracker in it, because he's overprotective, then placed the screen on top. He ushered me over, placing in on my wrist. It looked almost like an apple watch. It had a red strap with a gold stripe down the middle. 

"It's connected to FRIDAY but also has your own Ai. I took the liberty of calling it Rose." Dad explained. 

"Rose. I like it." Dad smiled, explaining all the other functions of the watch. The name stood for Really Obviously Spying Equipment. Then Nat came in, saying it was time for training. I thanked Dad, heading off with Nat.


We entered the training room. It resembled a large gym except it had bows, guns and target practice. 

"Today is weight lifting. I'm starting on a heavier one but I think you should start on the lighter ones." Nat explained. I picked up the second lightest weight. I smiled. I loved to exercise. Whether it was because of the fact I linked it with losing weight or because I genuinely enjoyed it, I didn't know. All I knew was that I liked it.

We did half an hour of weightlifting before we stopped. I had eventually moved on to the heaviest out of the 5 lighter weights. I picked up my journal again, noting the calories burned down. Weightlifting: - 112 calories Water: 0 calories.  Total: 340 calories. I smiled, closing my journal and placing it down next to me. 

"I'm going to head off to my room," I said.

Natasha's P.O.V

"I'm going to head off to my room," Violet said, heading off. I waved bye. Then I noticed she'd left her journal. I was about to run after her when I realised something. It looked suspiciously like the journal Tony had confiscated. I picked it up, flipping through the pages. I sighed. 

"Oh, Violet." Not only was she still calorie counting, but she'd also stolen from her Dad.

I entered the lab were Tony and Bruce were working. I made eye contact with Tony, nudging my head towards the door, signalling for him to come out. 

"What's up?" Tony asked. I saw his facial expression change from confusion to pity as his eyes travelled down to the journal in my hand. 

"Oh, Violet." He muttered. 

"She left it in the training room. The most recent entry is breakfast and the workout." I explained. 

"I don't understand why Violet is still calorie counting. We put her on a plan, we have everything layed out for her. Everything is under control." Tony sighed.

"Unless she's planning to do something in secret, like exercise. Something as little as pacing could be counted." Bruce suggested. Tony and I glared at him. 

"Sorry, I couldn't help but to hear your conversation. I had a neice with anorexia. She was put in the hospital and used to rebel by pacing up and down the corridors. She once did it for 40 minutes straight. She thought she was fine. She died after a month in the hospital." Bruce looked at the ground. I looked at him, my eyes sympathetic. 

"I just wouldn't want that to happen to Violet." Even though we had only known Violet for a day, we were all pretty close to her. Even Bucky had warmed up to her. Steve and Loki weren't quite there yet. I nodded. Tony sighed. 

"I'm going to talk to her. Call Fury. Tell him to put that damned journal in high security. Or just burn it. Either is good." He said. I put my hand on Tony's shoulder. 

"She'll be okay you know. She's strong." I smiled. 

"I know."


Violet's P.O.V

I sat in my music room, at my keyboard. I began to play a tune.
"I heard there was a secret chord, that David played and it pleased the Lord." I sang softly. 

"But you don't really care for music, do ya?" Another voice joined in the singing. I turned around. 

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I asked. Dad sat down next to me. 

"Oh, I think you know." I looked at the ground.

"Calorie counting I can understand, you're not in the best mental state. I know how that feels. But stealing? That's a whole other level." Dad looked annoyed. 

"I just wanted to feel in control," I tried to explain but Dad cut me off. 

"No. This is where you shut up. The adult is talking." I winced, his tone was getting rougher, his voice louder. 

"I trusted you. You promised me that you'd be fine. I had it all layed out for you, meals, exercise. And then you went behind my back and stole your journal back. How did you even get it?" I kicked the floor. 

"I got Vision to get it," I admitted. 

"Right. You, missy, are never getting back that journal and from now on, I'm having Rose and Friday update me anytime you do anything that could be counted as exercise that isn't in your plan or deemed appropriate." Dad said, firmly.

I could feel anger bubbling inside me. Did he not trust me? My eyes flashed purple. I slammed down the stool I was sitting on. It broke into pieces and a smash rung through the room. I ran my hand through my thick blonde hair. As I stormed off, I pushed my Dad out of the way. He flew, slamming into the wall. I gasped, running over to him. He was unconscious. 

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled. Steve ran in, having heard the loud thud. 

"What happened?" He asked, his eyes flickering between the unconscious Tony and me. 

"Steve...I think I have powers."

Trust me, it's not ~ Adopted by Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now