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I walked into school, my palms were sweaty (legs weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on his jumper already: mom's spaghetti) and shaking. I felt like my heart was in my throat. I headed down the corridor to the office, picking up my schedule. I walked to my homeroom, sitting down and placing my bag next to me. I sighed, I wasn't ready for this.

Suddenly someone came walking over. They looked like your stereotypical popular girls. The main girl, the 'leader' if you will, came up to me. 

"That's my seat." She hissed. I winced. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't see your name on it." I retorted. She glared at me. 

"You don't want to mess with Georgia." A member of her possey warned. 

"Her Dad owns a big company."

I rolled my eyes. All these people thinking they were so big because their Dad's were rich. Then again, that was the threat I was about to use. 

"So does my Dad. That doesn't make you anything. My Dad could buy out your Dad's company, or he could end it." The girl, Georgia, scoffed. 

"Yeah, who's your Dad then?" I smirked. 

"Tony Stark."

She and her gang burst out laughing. I started panicking again. 

"What? Why are you laughing? They got closer. I started to back away. 

"You really think we believe you? And if it's true, do you really think that he loves you? You are nothing. You're worthless." She spat. I winced.

"You're nothing. I don't love you. You're worthless." My Mum shouted. She threw a beer bottle at my head, I ducked and it smashed on the wall behind me.

"You think you're all that. You will never add up to anything."

"You think people care. You are nothing and you never will be."

Georgia pushed me to the ground. "You're weak." She kicked me and walked off.

My Mum punched me. I fell to the ground. "Puny." She kicked me and left.

I lay on the ground, a sharp pain ran through my arm where Georgia had kicked me. I winced, my head hurt as memories of living with my Mum shot through my brain. I clenched my teeth.  I got up and sat down, this time in a different chair. I sighed, taking a mental note to ask Rose the extent of my injury.

The teacher walked in, sitting down at her desk. The whole class fell silent. I looked at my desk, taking out my notebook. I sketched a small doodle of Steve and Bucky hugging. I smiled. The teacher spoke. 

"Hello class, today we have a new student. Violet Stark." I could feel my cheeks grow hot. I started to shake. 

"So Violet, introduce yourself." I stood up, taking a deep breath.

"Well um, my name's Violet Stark and my Dad is Tony Stark. Well, adopted Dad. I, um, lived on the streets for three months before my Dad found me and took me in. I like to draw. I play 5 instruments, bass guitar, acoustic and electric guitar, keyboard and piano, ukulele and drums." I sat down and the class clapped. Some meant it more than others though. I sighed, glad it was over. I didn't like talking about myself, especially with my life history. Dad was a superhero, Mum abused me, lived on the streets and got help from Wolverine. Not the kind of things you go round telling anyone.

I walked into music. It was my first class. Dad had enrolled me into a school that focused on the sciences, engineering, maths and the arts, the things he was passionate about and wanted me to do and the thing I was passionate about. I smiled as I sat down. Today was practical rather than theory so we got to actually play instruments. A kid sat down next to me. She had large circular glasses and freckles. I smiled at her. Her green curly hair was cut into something that resembled a pixie cut.

Trust me, it's not ~ Adopted by Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now