Chapter 7 - I'll protect you

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A/N So far this is the longest chapter I have. I hope ya enjoyed reading it and continue to read Spell Protected :) Oh, and if ya could Pretty Please Vote and Comment, I would totally Love ya :D Maybe go and vote for the other chapter too?? Just wishful thinking :)

Cover on the side was made by SandraGantor :) It's a pretty awesome picture if you ask me :D

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Chapter 7

I have to say that my first day of school majorly sucked. It started with my English class where I had to not only sit with Ian, but had to deal with his ongoing comments of “So much for staying away” and “I knew you couldn’t resist me”, followed by his annoyingly-cute smirk.

Yes, I thought he was hot, but that didn’t override the fact that he was still a jerk.

For my next two classes I was Ian free, until I reached fourth period chemistry. Talk about fate screwing with you. We knew we would have lab partners in this class, and lucky for me Seth was here. The teacher had let us pick our own lab partners, which unfortunately Ian had took as an opportunity to yell out to the whole class, “I call Sam!”, before anyone could say anything.

The teacher immediately wrote our names down together and said, “Ian and Sam, you will now be lab partners for the rest of the semester. There is no changing partner unless I say otherwise, and that goes for all of you. Now who’s next?” she said looking at the whole class.

This caused Ian to get death glares from Seth and a whole lot of complaints from me before the teacher told me to shut-up or she’d send me to the principal. Not wanting Ester to deal with the principal, I sat down next to Seth, protesting silently.

By the end of the day I was completely drained by my futile attempts to escape Ian. He kept bumping into me in the hallway, and used every opportunity he could to talk to me. So when he came up to my Jeep, as I was about to pull out, I nearly ran him over. I hadn’t meant to scare him like that; I was just trying to get away. Luckily he was quick enough to get out of the way.

Getting out of my jeep, I went up to him and began apologizing. He may be a jerk, but I wasn’t that cruel.

“What’s your problem? You realize I could’ve run you over?” Okay, so maybe apologizing wasn’t the right word, but that was the closest Ian was getting to an apology.

“What’s my problem? Well I don’t know, maybe the fact that your deranged self tried to run my ass over!” Ian said, clearly shocked from my supposed attempt to run him over. That ought to wipe that smirk off his face.

“Or maybe it was your deranged ass who tried to hit my Jeep with your body. Yeah, ever thought of that?” Childish, but it got the effect I wanted. Ian’s honey brown eyes began growing shades darker before blinking, returning them back to their normal color. Now I know I didn’t imagine that. I was about to say something when Ian suddenly burst out with the most unimaginable thing.

“All I wanted was to talk to you! Is it really that hard to just give me a couple of minutes? I didn’t think talking counted as a means to run me over!” Ian said as he ran his hand through his dark brown hair, making it slightly messy in the front.

“Look, I wanted to apologize for that one day. It was stupid of me to act like that, especially when I was apologizing to you, Sam. So now I’m here apologizing again for my stupid ass self. It’s just that when I saw the guys pull up, I didn’t want them bothering you. I know how they are and a girl like you is the perfect target for them.” I almost believed him as his look penetrated my being, but I knew better.

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